Something that makes me MAD


A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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I absolutely HATE when people tell me that a band I like sucks because certain albums of theirs sound the same all the way through. Why is that bad if they're a favorite band??? Wouldn't that make it great if it was all GREAT all the way though??? I think albums are better if they are the same sound the whole way through... when you have a ton of styles on one album... then it never lets your mind get into the music... you have to keep adjusting to all the different styles and you can't just sit back and let the music flow through your head... you have to jump from one different song to another... this is why i love concept albums... music should be continuous... and there are bands and albums that aren't concept albums/bands... but they still know how to make a good "same theme" album... I think that in some cases... keeping a consistent sound is a GREAT thing... especially if you like the band's sound!! Sorry... had to get that off my chest. By the way... listening to Emperor's new one for about the third time since I got it yesterday... what an amazing record!!!!
I ABSOLUTELY agree with you.

Hence I hate IX Equilibrium, and I feel safe to say that Promethious is the BEST album in existance of all time in my opinion. I've listened to it at least 100 times in a month or so..

But on the other hand, and album that changes and progresses effectively isn't a bad thing either, liek a concept album that has a change of emotion as it progresses. Can't think of any examples.

But albums that try to be too diverse and end up failing do peeve me off.
The thing I dislike is if a band completely changes their sound from album to album...
I like little changes and that, but not dramatic ones where it does not sound like the same band anymore!

~Cuddles Towelie.. :) ~
The thing I dislike is if a band completely changes their sound from album to album

Anyone here like Stabbing Westward?
Yes? No? Okay, probably not..

But they were one of (if not) the best goth-industrial bands around, BUT after Darkest Days (Master-piece) they went to soft/pop-rock ... 'orrible..
I KNOW!!! I hate when bands are praised for COMPLETELY changing their sound... it's horrible I think... because that's not what made them so great or why they were loved... progressive change is great... but I mean... don't change drastically just to try and be considered a genius (even though in most cases.. critics say it IS genius... which is just ridiculous people who don't know music at all) *sigh* SAPH!!!!! I've missed you!!!! *licks his saphy* TEEHEEEHEEE

and yes.. prometheus is freaking amazing... it's my favorite CD right now with morningrise
Evolution occurs all the time in music, and in some case not always for the best!! They loose that spark that attracted you to them in the first place.. Some changes can be for the better... but it's rare!
~Lovingly licks her Towelie back..~ Missed you too :)
hehe... saph's tongue never tires!!! i love it!! and i love her warm loving arms :) hehe... how've you been girl? sorry.. i'm havin gproblems getting ICQ to work well with my DSL and my mom's stupid computer here at home... hopefully i'll be able to get it going
Originally posted by Towelie
hehe... saph's tongue never tires!!! i love it!! and i love her warm loving arms :) hehe... how've you been girl? sorry.. i'm havin gproblems getting ICQ to work well with my DSL and my mom's stupid computer here at home... hopefully i'll be able to get it going

Yeah, Im good thanks! :) Hows yourself going??
I worked for 6 and 1/2 hours today.. Im pooped..!
It was sooooo busy aswell because of the holidays..!
But.. More work=lots of money=happy Saph+shopping=fucked Saph.. haha!
Im a shopaholic..
Ack, okay, now Im babbling! ~Pokes Towelie~ You better ICQ again soon Mr man! ~Squizzles~

*ponders*.... hmmm... fucked saph... hehehe... sorry... just had too :) *blushes*... yah i saw lord of the rings tonight... and holy shit.. what an amazing time!!! wow... it was amazing!!!!!! that's all i can say!!!
Originally posted by Towelie
I absolutely HATE when people tell me that a band I like sucks because certain albums of theirs sound the same all the way through. Why is that bad if they're a favorite band??? Wouldn't that make it great if it was all GREAT all the way though???
when you have a ton of styles on one album... then it never lets your mind get into the music... you have to keep adjusting to all the different styles and you can't just sit back and let the music flow through your head...
keeping a consistent sound is a GREAT thing... especially if you like the band's sound!!

Don't you think that all these popbands are boring, for making their music sound the
same all through an album?! It really bothers me to tell you the truth. Then you have
the hiphop,bipbop, soulbopp, whatever artist.... those (fuck, can't remember names
again!!!)....ehm..... EVE! yeah, Eve, that's an artist right? Well, just any band on
heavy rotation on mtv.... They have a couple of hits and they release an album.
All the songs sound exactly the same. And I always think to myself "They don't
know better, so they can't do better. They are not original, and afraid of
experimenting. etc etc etc"

Now, I shouldn't compare metal to this type of music, but it's sort of the same...
If it's the music you like you'll enjoy an album that has the same sound all the way
through it. If it constantly changes it wouldn't be your favourite band because you
wouldn't love everything about it....

Hmmm... what is my point? We all walk around saying that some bands are shit for
not progressing, while when out favourite band finally does some change it's horrible!

You like one album because of it's sound, and some other album might sound really
shitty to you because it's beside your taste. Simple :eek:)

(Aye, what a great way to "waste" my post #500! >:eek:P Hehe...)
Originally posted by Towelie
I KNOW!!! I hate when bands are praised for COMPLETELY changing their sound... it's horrible I think... because that's not what made them so great or why they were loved... progressive change is great... but I mean... don't change drastically just to try and be considered a genius (even though in most cases.. critics say it IS genius... which is just ridiculous people who don't know music at all) *sigh*

Maybe the bands don't care what you think and they are only doing what they want (which they are allowed to do)... Maybe you should think more and write less...
Originally posted by Sullen Jester
Anyone here like Stabbing Westward?
Yes? No? Okay, probably not..

But they were one of (if not) the best goth-industrial bands around, BUT after Darkest Days (Master-piece) they went to soft/pop-rock ... 'orrible..
yes, i actually agree with this.

and yes, i agree with towelie on the initial point of the thread -- if i like what the band is doing, of course i don't mind if all the songs sound similar. that seems like such a petty reason to dislike a band.

also, i hate it when people write off a band because it "sounds like ______" (another band). i mean, of course ALL bands are going to sound like SOMEONE (except our beloved opeth). and it often happens that i love one band with a passion but have no feelings for the band they supposedly sound just like.

and saphira, in the past 5 minutes i've read two threads full of you licking everyone. so, why were complaining about the usefulness of the satori/misanthrope discussion? hmmmm?

edit: make that 3
Do bands change for the listening audience, or do they change for themselves? Most will say the latter. They run the risk of losing a fan base, but gaining new ones.

Metallica pissed off a lot of people who listened to them from the beginning (like myself). But, they have said in interviews they are still Metallica, and they play what they want. So be it - so I don't like the new stuff. They knew the risk.

Excluding pop bands designed for the masses, most musicians play what they want, and take there chances. Stone Temple Pilots are notorious for "experimenting" with styles. Personally, I don't like them - they have no consistent sound to grasp on to. But a majority of the bands I know have consistency throughout their career. There are ebbs and flows in their music, but you can't deny who they are.

And I agree with Lina - writing off a band because they "sound" like someone else gives them no chance. If you listen to them, they will have their own sound - it's just that first impression that stops people.
Metallica pissed off a lot of people who listened to them from the beginning (like myself). But, they have said in interviews they are still Metallica, and they play what they want. So be it - so I don't like the new stuff. They knew the risk.

Their audience is 10 times bigger now they clearly changed for the audience, they ALWAYS did but you were the most audience back then and thats what everyone refuses to realize. Its has been always about he audience their music has always been prefabricated and with no feelings...or talent for that matter.
well in regards to the original post on this thread.

It just seems that people like something purely based on their taste, and then analyse after that. So if they dont like a band then they try and pick out all the possible negatives and say thats why they dont like it. And vice versa. But i think people just like what they like, regardless of those things, if they suddenly start liking something theyll pull out the "oh but thats not important" lines.