Something to do if you're in So Cal 3/14

without original music, the well dries up. Just look at the metal famine of the 1990's... there weren't very many new bands out there, and if there were, they weren't getting the proper exposure. Support local metal!

That's the spirit of websites like and ... it's out there... go to shows, find some kick ass local bands, and give 'em your luv.

I'm very much looking forward to entering the local band arena again -- I miss my Raven Mad days. Hopefully in a few months, my new band will start playing out. Maybe the Maidens will let us open for 'em.
Ya know, my mother once told me, "If you don't have something nice to say, make sure that person is out of the goddamn room!"

Made it to this show and it kicked ass! Thanks to Armando, Juan and Joe I had a killer fuckin' time. Let's stay in touch my brothers. Also met Mel and a bunch of other cool-ass mo-fo's. From the second I stepped out of my ride to the show, I felt like I was home wit' my homies. Thanks Juan for the ride back to the Wilshire!!:headbang:
Made it to this show and it kicked ass! Thanks to Armando, Juan and Joe I had a killer fuckin' time. Let's stay in touch my brothers. Also met Mel and a bunch of other cool-ass mo-fo's. From the second I stepped out of my ride to the show, I felt like I was home wit' my homies. Thanks Juan for the ride back to the Wilshire!!!:headbang:

Hey Bro... glad you made it down! That was fun, huh? You are truly a MAD DAX MAN! Sorry you didn't get a chance to sit in on some "PRIEST". Next time fo-sho... you gotta come back. Thanks for breakfast... and for keeping Juan awake on the way home. I had a hellified ride home - burnt! How did your showcase go?

* Big wave & a smile to "theMelster"... she was definitely in the house.

* Big double horns up in the air for Empyre (who kicked major culo), thePunks, & Reactor.

* Dax... hit me back with an email:

As for the rest of you... see y'all this Friday (3/21) @ 14Below!

FULL BLASTING METAL! (sung in air-raid siren mode)
Thanx Linda and Armando! The showcase was fun. We were the only band to really have fun on stage. We jumped around and I got unplugged, twice! Our site is WWW.SRMBAND.COM so check us out. I just got added to the site, but don't play on any of the tunes. Linda-April??? Hopefully I'll be able to open for you in Portland (at least) in The Twisted Sister (Stay Hungry-I'm Mark the Animal Mendoza) or Priest (British Steel-I'm KK). Got my boy working on it! That would kick ass!! Armando-I'll send you a couple picks of the Twisted thing. And yes, Reactor, Empyre, and the Punks kicked serious ass as well! Wish we had more of those shows up here!
it was great meeting you as well! It's a shame you didn't get to get up there and jam with Metal 101, but i guess that means you need to come back down to southern cali and hang with dah crew more often!

Thanks for the pictures! I need to see your twisted Twisted Sister tribute sometime... :) Keep bangin' dah big bad Steve Harris bass!!!