Something you might want to think about

El Stormo

Mar 20, 2003
Flanders - Belgium
Hey all.

I've been reading through all those locked threads and there's some things I think needed to be said. Before anyone starts ranting, I'm not siding with, or against, anybody.

This forum has a peculiar, and quite confusing, sense of humour. For those who've been here for a while, this isn't a problem, and most either adapt to the particular way of lulzing here, or they've always had it in them to find this kind of thing funny.

Sometimes, however, we get some new people that think they've stumbled across "yet another band forum". They think it'll be like the CoB-board where everyone praises the band incessantly and wanks to pictures of Alexi Laiho, or they simply think it'll be just like any old forum they've visited. So they act like normal members would, trying to post interesting things and all. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they fail. That doesn't matter, it's their intentions that count: most of those people just want to be constructive, contributing members.

Enter the regulars of this forum. When such a newbie tries to post interesting things we, as is our wont, reply with completely irrelevant or pseudo-insulting stuff. Not our fault - we do it for the lulz. The newbie, however, doesn't understand what's happening and starts lashing out, insulting our personalities, wedding tackles, and ancestry. This, of course, provokes more lulz from us, and only inspires us to bombard the poor kid with more funnies. Naught wrong with that, except for one thing.

Some of you seem to forget that those poor newbies get thrown into a pit of snakes without having any idea what they're getting into, and at some point, some of us should tell the poor kid that we are, in fact, only doing it for the lulz. But instead, some of you go right on blasting the outnumbered and ambushed kid like bullies in a schoolyard. It's at that point that some of you are showing that you still have the mentality of an elementary school kid. I agree that it's a bit silly of those new guys to take it seriously, and sure, the rapid-fire of typical NM-board-posts is a kind of initiation rite, and a good one, because we don't need prissy, whiny members, but at some point it has to stop, or at least lessen. Poor old Metropolis made a fool of himself, I agree 100%, but he only did so because he was consistently houded and backed into a corner by three or four members (amongst them a moderator, who should know better!), and his attempts at constructive threads were systematically and categorically bombarded and then locked.

That's no good, guys. Making fun of new kids is all well and good, but when you start systematically persecuting and harassing them, you need to ask yourselves some questions. I'm not putting blame anywhere, but I'm just saying, maybe you people need to wonder what caused this guy to start acting this way.

Rail at me all you want, I'm sure many of you will be able to think of no better way to respond to this.
*shrugs* For a few months, I was on and off visiting a lot of the UM forums, unregistered. Out of them all, this one came across as being a Cool Kids' Club of sorts. I may be wrong, but that's just the way it seemed. And it's not necessarily a bad thing, either. Many of the regulars here post funny/interesting stuff and, honestly, it's better than, say, the Opeth forum. My 2 cents. Anyhoo, perhaps there should be a thread similar to this, Stormo, made into a Sticky of some sort. "All n00bs read this before posting" or whatever.
Well, yeah, like I said, it's cool if it's a kind of "cool kids club", but some of the behaviour lately has been outright bullying, and on an Internet forum, that's about as pathetic as you can get.

I agree, but then again, so is taking Internerd morons seriously...
But you know... being an asshole to n00bs on an internet forum does have its upside. For instance, this is a very true story:

I was venturing the lonely dirt sidewalks on the most dark of nights. I ran into a very voluptuous female-being sitting on the most flat of wooden benches. She stared deep into my eyes with a rhinoceros' fury and then began to speak.

“You! You're EricT! The man whom hails from The Neverboard!”

Flabbergasted that one would recognize my excellence in the dark of this night, I said nothing.

“You're an unmitigated asshole to many a n00b. I know this as fact. It was told to me by The Great Wizard!”

I responded, “Yes, my fair lady, it is I. The one known as EricT on The Neverboard.” She looked at me with an excited expression upon her face.

“It must be the gods who placed us together on this most dark of nights.” By this time she had begun to lay upon her back on the most flat of wooden benches. “I need your help oh great one. You see, I have not been satisfied in many a moon.” I looked at her interested. “I sought help from The Great Wizard and he told me of your mighty existence.”

“Mighty Existence?”

“Yes! Your reputation precedes you, oh great one. It was told by The Great Wizard that a man would appear to me, a man whom is an unmitigated asshole to n00b-kind.”

“It is true that I am an unmitigated asshole to many a n00b, but there are others too!”

“That also is true, but, the others do not have your wild curly hair, and dare I mention your mastery of wit!”

I agreed.

“And now, for you, my snatch is like the mighty river Nile!”

I dropped my britches and began to do my thing.

“What bands sound like Nevermore!?”, she screamed as I kneaded her under areas like a fresh bread dough.

“Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out you dumb cunt!” My screaming this sent the woman into the first of several climaxes.

“Do you know when the Nevermore DVD is coming out!? What are you now playing!? STUCK MOJO IS GREAT!” I screamed a few more poorly thought out insults at her, to which she responded with high pitched screeches of pleasure for each.

After 128 continuous hours of plowing her fields, and 872 of her climaxes, I decided it was time to release my seed.

I had my soldier retreat from her southern battlefield. I moved his location to the upper reaches, and proceeded to unleash liter after liter of my extremely viscous fluid upon her brow. Drenched in my marshmallow pudding and beady sweat, she bid me farewell, and went off into the sunset.

Now you know why it pays to be a dick on an internet forum.

And if you doubt that this story is true, ask Max, he was there.
Hahahahahaha, Eric, I guess I cannot refute such a tale. Your use of metaphor provided many a "lulz", you would get some + rep, an- wait a second, "STUCK MOJO IS GREAT!"...Please don't tell me you were shagging that 'big titties' retard??

Redkef, see thread titled 'Cut the bullshit...'.
yeah, just looked at it. In my opinion, someone other than will should have sided with him, I know I would have. At least he didn't come in here insulting nevermore like that other guy.
"nevermore?!?! more like.... everbored!!! amiright?!?!?"

that kind of insulting?
personally, i just wanted to see if i could hound a person enough until they snapped and left. VERY personally, i'd like to push it to suicide.

but... small steps... :)

The experiment is over.
i'm with El Stormo. After a while it gets very pathetic. the ritual of initiation thing is pretty much OK, but after a while it gets annoying and it annoys more people than just the new guy. Also the elementary school bullying analogy is pretty much valid.