Sometimes life is teh suck.......


Jan 3, 2003
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Saturday morning and I should have slept late. But no, the warm body next to me had to get up and go to work at 6:30am.:( Tried to go back to sleep and just couldn't.

Was expecting my brother in town for a visit today. I thought being up early wasn't so bad. Maybe I can get the house clean and orderly before his arrival.:) He called and said he can't make the trip today because he is sick.:puke::Smug:.

A day off work and nothing good is happening. Life just sucks sometimes.
i haven't slept in in months. i go to bed around midnight or one in the morning and I keep waking up at five in the morning :erk:
my bro is the worst...he once slept through an earthquake that knocked my cd's and guitars over, while my mom and I were screaming at him, after I kicked his door open and yelled at him.....the next morning he was like "earthquake? what earthquake?"
Sadistik said:
my bro is the worst...he once slept through an earthquake that knocked my cd's and guitars over, while my mom and I were screaming at him, after I kicked his door open and yelled at him.....the next morning he was like "earthquake? what earthquake?"

that's how my friend is. She doesn't wake up to loud sounds or voilent shaking (which is imposed upon by me when i try to wake her up) i pushed her off the couch once and she was still sleeping.... so i poured water on her...:p

my brother used to torment me awake by pouring water down my nose or pinching my nose so I couldn't breathe...bastard

and speaking of violent shaking and loud noise, you going to be at the pound 9/7? I hear the show is now all ages.
I don't know yet, with school starting soon i don't know if I'll be able to find the time, but I'll try to see if i can make it. Anyways, if i am there it probably won't be too hard to spot me... with the fuscia colored hair and all.:rolleyes:
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:p ... oh yeah it's in san francisco. hehe. yeah well, i'll be the short asian looking one with fuscia hair then :Spin:
I set 3 cell phone, then my regular alarm for 1 minute later, and my alarms second buzzer for 3 minutes after that....and I still occasionally sleep through class....
the funniest wake up routine EVER was my old roomate...this guy was so stoned all the time that he would get home about 2 hours before he needed to wake up....we used to find this guy asleep standing up in the shower leaning in the corner....that guy was classic....about 60% of the time he'd yell "I'M UP I'M UP!", jump out of bed wander into the shower and disappear for 35 minutes or so until someone went to go check on him....hehehehe
I sleep through everything. I usually have to have my girlfriend call me until I wake up to get me out of bed cause I've somehow learned to turn off my alarm in my sleep.
Ian, I get up, turn off my cell phone across the room, stagger to the otherside of the room, hit both alarms, go back to sleep, and forget the whole the FUCK is that possible? happens...
I always subconsciously turn off my alarm and go back to sleep. It's getting to the point where I need to put my alarm clock half way across the room so I can't reach it.
Herald of Abomination said:
I always subconsciously turn off my alarm and go back to sleep. It's getting to the point where I need to put my alarm clock half way across the room so I can't reach it.

you will adapt...see my previous post