sonata arctica forum

Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Ady's busy living up in "the North" (I pity him........those accents).
He's busy writing material for a solo project (which, I believe, is over halfway done).
I saw him this weekend. He seems well and is coping with the shit weather and impending father-hood.
I'll tell him to check this 'board out when I next speak to him.

Cool Lee! Tell him & Kara that I said hello, would you please? :)

I wish I could see Symphony X play live. They were going to play here last year, supporting Savatage (not a band I particularly like), but the show was cancelled 'cause of security concerns in the wake of the September the 11th tragedy.

I saw Savatage play about a week after 9/11, and they had just come to the decision that they'd have to cancel the Euro tour..oh man, was Jon Oliva mad. I was able to talk to all of the 'Tage guys after the show & everyone was kind of still in shock but the anger had had time to set in as well (Chris Caffrey comes from a military family & said he was very tempted to go enlist!); both them and Nevermore put on great, albeit angst-ridden shows that night..

I'm hoping I'll get a chance to see them soon, though.

<sigh>Lucky Pete and Jax</sigh>

I hope you will too, Lee! They put on a great show! Hey, they're playing in Milan in should go grab Val & go to that show! ;)
Originally posted by lizard
actually I can't really go to live shows anymore. I have nerve damage in my ears and the prolonged high levels of music make my ears hurt.:mad:

Wow, not even with earplugs, Liz? You can get the spiffy ones from Guitar Center or similar places that just tune out certain parts of the sound..

I'd be way bummed if I couldn't go to shows anymore..I've also hosed my hearing over the years (gee, what do you mean it's not smart to stand right next to the speaker at countless concerts without earplugs? yeah I was a dumbass kid!), so I'm real careful to always wear earplugs now, I'm deaf enough as it is..hehe.
I hear ya..unless it's one of my favorite bands, I'm happy to sit up in the seats for a show; far cry from being down against the rail for every single show! But bring on one of *my* bands, & I'm still game to battle the kids down front..hehe!

Check out if you're interested in checking out plugs..there are earplugs for every use imaginable there.
im kinda deaf too i screwed up my hearing this summer, so im gonna havta get me a good pair of earplugs

and about the lyrics in finnish, i dont know if anyone has them translated, i know their not even on the sonata arctica website
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle they're playing in Milan in should go grab Val & go to that show! ;)
uhm, and the date in milan is 4 days before my birthday *whistles*
no way i'll be in london on march the 31st, since easter is late in april, next year.
i guess i won't see my beloved of sins and shadows live :cry:

i'll go to two gigs this month; no earplugs, that would kill the spirit of the gig! but ok, i promise: i'll stay away from the speakers :saint:

@asraii: no sa lyrics in finnish, sorry. anyway, if you look for at-times-incomprehensible-lyrics, you can check out the english version as well :lol:
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Cool Lee! Tell him & Kara that I said hello, would you please? :)

Indeedy-doody. I shall :)

Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
I hope you will too, Lee! They put on a great show! Hey, they're playing in Milan in should go grab Val & go to that show! ;)

The wheels are already in motion. I'll either catch them in London a couple of weeks before that one, or see them in Milan. Maybe even both! :eek:
Thanks for the tip, Jax :)
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
Indeedy-doody. I shall :)

Thank ya kindly, m'dear! :)

The wheels are already in motion. I'll either catch them in London a couple of weeks before that one, or see them in Milan. Maybe even both! :eek:
Thanks for the tip, Jax :)

Sweet!!! I hope you can swing both!! :)
Pete, I have no idea. go to amazon and scout around, maybe one of those "dummies" books out there can get you acquainted with the basics, and they're cheap.

Asraii: since SA sing in English, your hunt may be in vain. maybe once in a while they sing a song in Finnish when they're in Finland? I don't know.

UIO: yes, please include my salutations to the Dangerous One, and to Kara and the brood.:p
I shall do, Lizard. I'll speak to him on the phone either tonight or tomorrow. I'll pass your's and Jax's greetings to him then.

I cannot stop singing to Dream Theater's 6 Degrees of Inner Turbulence. Just had to get that off my chest.
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
I shall do, Lizard. I'll speak to him on the phone either tonight or tomorrow. I'll pass your's and Jax's greetings to him then.
thx Lee.

Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
I cannot stop singing to Dream Theater's 6 Degrees of Inner Turbulence. Just had to get that off my chest.
I listened to Falling into Infinity last night and can't stop thinking of Peruvian Skies; that song keeps running through my head. And also, unfortunately, "Memories," by Barbra Streisand, I was the MC for the Agency talent show yesterday and one of my coworkers sang that song, grrrrr, I hate it when you can't stop thinking of a song you dislike!
Originally posted by lizard
I listened to Falling into Infinity last night and can't stop thinking of Peruvian Skies
too bad that's missing in my collection.

random complaint: today i saw a renoir's exibition; beside more than one painting, there was written "private collection"; what the f**k, i want one, too!!!!
It is very bad that FII is missing from your collection. Despite most DT fans saying it's the album that they went too commercial on, I really like that one. It's got some real "rockers" on it.

You want a private collection, or a Renoir? :clown:
lee has "falling into infinity" --> val has "falling into infinity". will we need two copies of that? ;)