sonata arctica forum

Hmmmm, I'm not sure. It is a very good album, so don't underestimate how many copies we'll need.
Good job you've got Metropolis Part II. My copy is in bad condition after being hammered for about a year, nonstop.

@Lizard: I've seen New Millenium played live twice (my favourite song from that album) and it's fantastic. But the best track from that album to be done live is either Burning My Soul or Just Let Me Breathe. True stadium rockers.
hello deth! nice to see you, too ;) hope you decide to post here, from now on.
now that both moony and you offered wellu your help, the new forum must be near on the horizon!

off topic: some of you already know that, in my spare time, i teach math; well, a desperate mother (whose daughter i gave lessons to last year) just phoned me 'cause she wants me to help her son! yippeeeeeee! another mind to enlighten :lol: (and more money *rolls eyes*).

edit: i really don't know why i wrote "off topic"; is there any? :)
Originally posted by lizard
I noticed on the SA site they've removed the old link to UM. so someone is doing something:confused:
:lol: i hope that that "someone" is doing something more constructive than removing a link
Nice to see you back dethroned.:D

i like this smiley...i think ill make it one else use it! :D

all i got of DT is Metropolis II, Six Degrees, and a Change of Seasons. All pretty good i think, even all of the covers on a change of seasons.
Originally posted by mourningstar
:lol: i hope that that "someone" is doing something more constructive than removing a link
well me too, it's just something I noticed.

Pete, virtually the whole DT catalogue is great, although as UIO and I discussed on the old SA board, the very first cd "When Dream and Day Unite" has a different singer, the poodle-looking Charlie Dominici (sp)
Originally posted by Petethedrummer
all i got of DT is Metropolis II, Six Degrees, and a Change of Seasons. All pretty good i think, even all of the covers on a change of seasons.
images and words, my friend, images and words
Wow, that's kind of odd. I'd put those live cd's in the opposite order, Lizard.
When I saw DT on the 20th last month, they played a version of the Killing Hand, with the same intro that it has on Live At The Marquee, but they added some new stuff to it.
I think Scenes From New York is incredible; having Jordan play on stuff that Moore played on is fantastic. He stays pretty faithful to Moore's parts, but he adds just enough to make is his own.

You NEED Images & Words, Pete. If you don't have that, you're missing out on what most DT fans agree is their best album.
It's also the album that got them noticed and broke them through to a large degree.
i don't have any of dt lives. i saw the videotape at lee's, but i don't particularly like lives. i only have dark tranquillity in gothemburg, in flames in tokio and pearl jam in stockholm. that's all.
Yep, The Deth has entered the building :D

Hehe, this evening has been really funny... some trolls entered Children Of Bodom's finnish discussion. It's like what we experienced long ago: bashing... and so on. Sadly, Cob's moderator is in the army, so he can't kick them and Mark has done nothing yet, so.... I'll have more fun tomorrow :D

See ya all soon!