sonata arctica forum

I haven't heard it, Jax. I haven't heard of Bruce Franklin, either. What sort of stuff is it?

@Lizard: I'm not really a fan of him. Although I do like his version of Dream On with Malmsteen, but mainly 'cause of Malmsteen's playing on it.
Dio wears far too many and far too large wrist bands for me. And his hair's too curly to be long. :D
ok, i just came home. the gig was pretty good; sentenced were ok (the singer's voice was better than the last time i saw them), and lacuna coil really rocked!! (notice: i was there for sentenced).

headache please go away!
Val, hope the headache is gone.

Dio is (and this is of course only my opinion) a minor metal legend, as Jax says, but I believe this is more a result of exceptional good fortune as anything else. plucked from obscurity to be the voice of Blackmore's Rainbow, when everyone knows that in his own groups Blackmore loves to surround himself with marginal talent to make himself look better (why he can never remain in Purple permanently because other strong personalities threaten him). and then a substitute for Ozzy in Sabbath, when everyone knows the Sab members were in a drug addled haze (kind of like Eddie V. Halen when he was an alcoholic and hired that complete no-talent Hagar).

I can think of hearing Rainbow, Dio-era Sab, and solo Ronnie, and the only song which springs to mind as being half-way ploddingly memorable is "Man on the Silver Mountain."

the final last straw for me was reading an interview where RJD petulantly whined about how he doesn't receive enough recognition for "inventing" the :headbang: gesture. If in your own mind that is your most memorable accomplishment, how pathetic.

I remain as ever, available to demolish any and all idols. the fact that Pinnick toils in relative obscurity while Dio still headlines and sings about castle keeps and evil spells is a complete mystery to me.
I don't know who either of those are. But if they're as bald as Duncan Goodhew, that's pretty damned bald.
I hope I don't go too bald when I'm older. All that hat buying in the winter must be a pain in the arse.

lol@"not petethedrummer"
Klaus Meine = Scorpions
Ralf Scheepers = ex gamma ray, current Primal Fear

Scheepers even tried hair perms for a while, he looked like a poodle. finally he summoned up the manly courage to face baldness and just began close-cropping his skull. Plus he began working out, he's a big f*cking German monster now, compared to his Gamma days where he was just a typical scrawny rocker.

Yeah, he's pretty big. He could probably give John Petrucci a good run for his money in a throw-down. JP is pretty damn big.

Lizard, I meant to ask you this before: do you like Threshold? They're kind of similar to Vanden Plas, imo , but a little less dynamic.
They do bill themselves as that, but then, Dangerman bills our band as that :lol:
They're certainly our most successful prog band. I tried to get into them, 'cause I thought if I liked them, I'd have a chance to see a decent band play live on a regular/frequent basis.
But, alas, I don't like them too much, I don't find them particularly progressive, and, most importantly, they hardly play any shows here.
Even Britney is more availble to me. Oh, the humanity!!!!!!
Hmm hard for me to describe Supershine, Lee..I can send you some songs or something if you'd like..

I get to see Threshold this weekend at ProgPower..looking forward to it, I like them.
Hi everyone! How's it going!

lizard thanks for the e-mail notice i would never had found this thread! :D

hey , and about America being the land of britney... right now it's more the land of EMINEM and CHRISTINA...:yuk:

The thing that really scares me off is the fact that Britney will probably want to top what christina did in her video "dirty"
<shivers> we're in for a "who's the sluttiest " contest:lol:
hello grandbazaar, welcome! :)

yes, i guess for you guys the idea of those girls dancing semi naked is a horrible one, isn't it? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by mourningstar
hello grandbazaar, welcome! :)

yes, i guess for you guys the idea of those girls dancing semi naked is a horrible one, isn't it? :rolleyes:

What i'm saying is, when it's done tastefully no problems, but what christina does is just slutty and skanky it's just sick.

I Agree with what Lizard said just above.
liz now we're gonna have new movies featuring EMINEM just
because he had a huge success with 8 miles. For the music part i just don't listen to radio anymore so i don't get to hear it! :p
I don't listen to music radio anymore. sports radio and news radio back and forth to work, that's it. I go by the recommendations of people whose opinions I respect.

don't get me wrong, I think Christina is steamily beautiful :) (except when she had the 'fro), I'm just wondering where this trend will end, probably full hardcore porn music videos. I have enough imagination that I don't need explicity.:p ;) :lol:

(yes Rick/Lizard is exhibiting the Presbyterian reserve of his forbears...)
Hmm, I don't mind Eminem. I have 3 of his albums. I find him kind of funny, and I even like some of the songs for just plain old 'good to listen to' value.
I had heard he was in a movie, but I'm a little dubious as to whether or not I'll want to see it. I guess it's either some integrity-lacking film maker casting Eminem just to grab some attention for his film, or Eminem had it commissioned to further inflate his ego.

I don't really know much about Christina Aguilerra (sp?(as proof, I can't spell her name)). I only heard one of her songs. It sounded a lot like Britney's stuff; fairly inoffensive, well crafted pop music. It's a bit of a shame if she's becoming "slutty", 'cause lots of little girls over her like her and Britney and swallow up everything they do.
Still, I won't loose sleep over it. I just won't encounter much of it.