Hmm, I don't mind Eminem. I have 3 of his albums. I find him kind of funny, and I even like some of the songs for just plain old 'good to listen to' value.
I had heard he was in a movie, but I'm a little dubious as to whether or not I'll want to see it. I guess it's either some integrity-lacking film maker casting Eminem just to grab some attention for his film, or Eminem had it commissioned to further inflate his ego.
I don't really know much about Christina Aguilerra (sp?(as proof, I can't spell her name)). I only heard one of her songs. It sounded a lot like Britney's stuff; fairly inoffensive, well crafted pop music. It's a bit of a shame if she's becoming "slutty", 'cause lots of little girls over her like her and Britney and swallow up everything they do.
Still, I won't loose sleep over it. I just won't encounter much of it.