sonata arctica forum

Originally posted by lizard
I don't listen to music radio anymore. sports radio and news radio back and forth to work, that's it. I go by the recommendations of people whose opinions I respect.

don't get me wrong, I think Christina is steamily beautiful :) (except when she had the 'fro), I'm just wondering where this trend will end, probably full hardcore porn music videos. I have enough imagination that I don't need explicity.:p ;) :lol:

(yes Rick/Lizard is exhibiting the Presbyterian reserve of his forbears...)

I thought she was good looking too, and respected her more than britney because her videos were classy and not trying to sell the "SEX IMAGE" as much, but now, she's portraying this skanky girl image which i dislike so much i lost all respect.
Hey Lizard and the others want to listen to well crafted pop/Rock listen to DAVID USHER solo disc MORNING ORBIT, he's the Singer for MOIST if that tells anybody something. Check out songs like Alone in the UNiverse, Black, Black Heart version 1&2, How Are You, ect..
Hey people, you may run, but never hide!!!!
I won´ t say nothing about the dead forum, what the hell it´s gone.
Mourningstar Thanks for answer my message, without it i would never had found this thread, Thanks again!!
Originally posted by Petethedrummer
its free advertising for them, they should pay me!

haha, if they didin´t payd 5$ for a place where their fans were talking about them and making more fans, wich represents more advertising for them, and person to person promotion, i don´t think you are going to obtaina cent from them.

No, I´m not mad, who said that?????????????????????????
Who?? Who???
:mad: :mad:
pete, you're the prototype of the sonata arctica fan: you love the band, do all you can for them, they treat you in a not-so-fair way and still you do adv for the band! you're great.
It does kindda suck that the board is out... hope they get a new one up, which i doubt since making one will cost more than 5$ in time and it will need an incredible server to host, and pay wellu extra to maintain the dam thing. Paying that 5$ would have been the best option.
ok, i didn't want to spread the news so soon, but since you're guessing totally wrong things, i'll go with the truth: when the guys have been asked about the future of the forum on um, they were (randomly): fishing in the ice, inflating a doll, leading a reindeer on the leash, skiing; in order not to loose concentration they replied "no, who fu**ing cares". so the forum was closed.
we have to wait for the fish to take the bait, the doll to explode, the reindeer to... erm... to leave a souvenir on the snow, the monthly ski-pass to be expired to ask the guys if they like the idea of another forum.

*the characters in the story are un-named and fictional*