song names game

I don't know what the fuck you said, but yes it is a song and yes the album is written how I wrote it and not how you did.

ok that was a nelly song if that was what you were asking and i did look it up and there is an album called passion and warfare my dad said wellfare i corected myself and there is no song called passion and if you don't mined could we please restart the game. i'll start
dead souls-nine inch nales.
i have no idea what is going on here, i just heard the word "sister" and i demand pics
now lets get this game started with no interuptions. to play somone names a song like angels of death-slayer then somone replies and puts somthing like angels don't kill-cob. try not to stay on the same song for to long.if you think forum games are stupid or any thing than don't post or play.