Hardest one yet but I'll say... Needled 24/7

Ps. Who's Mocobhc?

Ps II. Re-sent the PM to you Arcane
:wave: over here, the one with the terrible jetlag after having spent two awesome weeks in the sun and sea of Dominican Republic.
Thanks a lot for remembering my votes, Arcane :kickass:

Concerning AYDY, this album is probably the easiest for me to pick my favourite song from: T, L & S.

I'm very happy to see that there are so many fans out there sharing the same feelings towards this song!
:wave: over here, the one with the terrible jetlag after having spent two awesome weeks in the sun and sea of Dominican Republic.

The Dominican Republic is beautiful! I was there in 2006 :)

And yep, T, L &S is definitely one of the best Bodom songs!
>> Living Dead Beat

I don't feel there's anything too special about Trashed (although I don't think LDB is that much better to be honest). To me TL&S fits as that catchy high-energy song that I enjoy listening to but gets somewhat old after a while, especially with the lame vocal effects added into the mix. The chorus also isn't my favorite, and the energy levels and song structure feel a bit too static throughout. It's a good song, but to consider it "best"... ehh....
Living Dead Beat. A hard one between LDB, PMIB and IYF. Never liked T,L&S for some reason. The intro is great but I don't like the verse.
Trashed, Lost, and Strungout. That song just kicks ass, hands down. Amazing riffs, killer solo, and the intro just blows your mind. There are some songs that just cannot be played at anything less than the full capacity of the speakers, and that is one of them. \m/ Although, In Your Face is kind of like that, too. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that IYF is another one of my favorite Bodom songs. I wouldn't cry if Living Dead Beat won, either. Why does everyone hate this album again? XP
Trashed, Lost, and Strungout. That song just kicks ass, hands down. Amazing riffs, killer solo, and the intro just blows your mind. There are some songs that just cannot be played at anything less than the full capacity of the speakers, and that is one of them. m/ Although, In Your Face is kind of like that, too. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that IYF is another one of my favorite Bodom songs. I wouldn't cry if Living Dead Beat won, either. Why does everyone hate this album again? XP
Well spoken! I often wondered that, too, since it contains some great songs which stand for COB as well as songs off the other albums. Maybe it lacks in comparison to the other albums, but it really isn't as bad as some people seem to want it to be.
You know....I never realized T,L&S was such a popular song. I mean, IMO it's ok, but nothing special and everyone I know in person pretty much feels the same way, then I see it on here being prob the most popular song from that album.

Yeah I never understood the obsession over that song on these boards.... average at best, and bottom half of the album. Must be a post HCDR fan base thing....

Vote: We're not gonna fall
I can see why some guitarists would like TLnS since it's got some cool riffs, but as a song it's pretty meh IMO. It's neither as hard-pumping as IYF, or as well-written as LDB.

PS: isn't it about time to count up the votes for AYDY?