This is a tough one...@_@ I like Blooddrunk itself, Banned From Heaven is amazing, DWEDFN is that song that you just aren't allowed to play at anything less than ful speaker capacity...but, in the end, I'll go with...

Roadkill Morning cause the awesome solos, and I don't care if most ppl here hate it.
REALLY hard.

I'll go with DWEDFN. Close seconds are Hellhounds, Smilex, TMR and BFH, with LoBodomy being the worst song from the album (and maybe the worst song ever made by Bodom)
Puked On Everything, Recorded Nothing (I think that was the lulz name someone came up with in the COB song name thread we had haha)

But yeah, that chorus is hard to beat. Also, the track has this raw edge to it that most of Blooddrunk does not have (Lobodomy sort of has it too).