Song Survivor: Once send from the Golden Hall


Annoying drum nerd
Jul 7, 2008
Hannover, Germany
sooo, I know we got that one before... but I think we can manage this one a bit better now.

This is only for Votings! No Discussion! No Bitching! Only Votes!

to keep the board clean from all those Polls these are the rules.

Every Person can vote once Per Round!
One round is about three days!
After every one Round one Song is eliminated!
I delete the Eliminated Songs from the Setlist and Post them under it

to keep some kind of overview I would love all of you to complain about X Voting your favorite Song out, in the "Discuss Song Survivor" Thread.
So we can count and manage this one.

This can be a Fun Game... its up to you.

here we have the Setlist:

Ride for vengeance
The Dragon's flight across the waves
Without fear
Victorious march
Friends of the suncross
Amon amarth
Once sent from the golden hall


Abandoned is out first

my first vote : Abandoned
My personal hierachy of OSFTGH -

1. Amon Amarth
2. Victorious March
3. The Dragons' Flight Across the Waves
4. Ride For Vengeance
5. Without Fear
6. Abandoned

The title track is easily the lowest point. Feels too much like a bonus track - probably due to being placed after Amon Amarth.

Once Sent is a fucking amazing song, the second best on the album (after Without Fear).

This thread: Why?
Best to worst:
1. Victorious March
2. Friends Of The Suncross
3. Abandoned
4. Once Sent From The Golden Hall
5. Amon Amarth
6. Without Fear
7. Ride For Vengeance
8. The Dragons' Flight Across The Waves