Song to be played at your funeral

If all goes as planned and I lead the totally self-destructive life-style that I plan to lead,then there will be no music played at my funeral because there won't be any funeral because no one will come to my funeral because all of my family will be totally ashamed of me and I will have shunned my remaining friends in favor of drug addiction...Or there will be no funeral because my body will not be identified because I'll be found lying dead in a dumpster,my body too fucking wreched from the years of drug and alcohol abuse and bizarre sexual and Satanic rituals.So my corpse will just be burned up in an incenerator WITH NO FUNERAL TO PLAY MUSIC AT!
AND I AM TRYNG TO SOUND MORBID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :cry:
Originally posted by [KOTNO]Narrot
i think it's HER, isnt it?
Yes,I AM a "her",I am a girl...and a girl who has forgotten to take her Prozac,at that.Yeah,I just stole phrases from my post on the "R.i.P. 2001" thread cuz that's one of the most interesting things I've ever said:rolleyes:
If I had to choose only one, it would just have to be...

STRAINED by Katatonia.

I'd like to try and live my life again, I'd like to see where I was going wrong...
If I could have as many as I wanted, I'd also play these...

Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box
Death - Voice Of The Soul (Most definitely.)
Opeth - Bleak
Andromeda - Extension Of The Wish
Anyone - Don't Wake Me (Heh)

And last but not least...

Frenzal Rhomb - You Can't Move Into My House
