Songs/albums with standout bass


Oct 21, 2003
War for Territory
I can't help but feel that bass gets a little overlooked a lot of the time. List a few albums or songs that realy stand out in your mind as having great bass.
Shining - Livets Ändhållplats is great, and Necromantia is pretty original on the bass side. Why the hell can't I think of any more? Anyway, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas uses distorted and clean basses very very good as well.
DEFINITELY Mayhem's "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas". Been listening to this almost non-stop lately, and the rather crunchy, full sounding, bassy production is candy to my ears. "Life Eternal" and "Pagan Fears" win the "best basslines" award.

Borknagar's "Empiricism" has some interesting fretless bass moments. Ulver's "Bergtatt" also deserves a mention. I guess I should mention Nasheim too :p
This are dick-ish obvious examples (ones that you probably already thought of), but since I'm a bassist, I can't help but appreciate this thread!!

-Gordian Knot
-I can't help but like the bass lines on "A Pleasant Shade of Grey" by Fates Warning. They are very simple but fit the mood of the album perfectly and stand out well.
-Dream Theater, especially their earlier stuff ("Status Seeker!!")
-I'll probably get a lot of flak for this, but I think that the bass tone on the "Clayman" album by In Flames is excellent

There are lots more (prog wank-fest type bands) but I can't think of them right now.
Nearly anything by Sieges Even and Watchtower.

Hades - "Masque Of The Red Death" (on their debut album "Resisting Success") and "Aftermath Of Betrayal" (on "If At First You Don´t Succeed")
Mekong Delta - "El Colibri" (on "The Principle Of Doubt")
Atrox - "Heartquake" and "This Vigil" (on "Orgasm")

Coroner - "Punishment For Decadence"
Flotsam & Jetsam - "Doomsday For The Deceiver"
Voivod - "Nothingface"
Helstar - "A Distant Thunder"
Mekong Delta - "Dances Of Death"
Anacrusis - "Reason"
the later emperor stuff has some cool bass highlights. also, the new macabre (entitled murder metal) has a very clear bass in it. almost too much! but hes a good bass player and does some cool stuff
Opeth - Orchid

Especially listen to "The Twilight is My Robe" off of there, very good song with some great bass.