Songs In Different Sounds


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
Since we're enduring this "boring" time when COB are on a long tour and there's no signs of another official studio release, I came up with something.

Is there a COB studio track you think is overly heavy in sounds and you'd like it to have the chill feel of Follow the Reaper, or a track that you think is too thin in sound and you'd like it have the sheer punch of AYDY?

I'll start with one of the many ideas I have, let's see if this thread sinks or if we get a discussion going:

Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood = Follow the Reaper


I think the guitar tone of HCDR is not the best one for this song. You could hear the FtR:esque melodies more on top. Add the intro drums (from where YBOD ends) and then the guitars kick in, cut some of the yows etc and there you have a pure hit song.

I'll continue if there's replies ^^
^Maybe, specially for melodies and that stuff, I think HCD tone nailed it there.

Kind of weird thread, but anyway. I don't exactly agree with you (Joonas), I think HCD has the best guitar tone of all Bodom albums (*prepares to get raped*), quite clean.

But since I'm to give ideas too, I'd like to hear the whole AYDY album with T,L&S guitar tone. I know the difference is not that big and that probably if you hand the album to someone who is not fan of COB and doesn't know a bit about them won't notice it, but there is a difference, and T,L&S is more raw and has more ''attack'' (not good at this kind of terms :lol:).

If we want only a song, then I guess

In Your Face = T,L&S
^I'm just saying the HCDR guitar tone is not the best possible for that particular song. It's quite neutral, whereas I feel LBRH is a song that demands some flavour in the tone.
Maybe. I think that the only thing HCD is not brilliant is that sometimes the melodies are too underneath the song, like f.e. Alexi's melody while singing in the song HCD (the tricky interlude for the guitar players) sounds really low in the album imho. Live it's much louder and it's awesome.
Of course if they had months time to think about the stuff while mixing it, like we have had years to listen to it, then maybe we wouldn't have so much ideas for better mixing. There's also a really cool guitar thing on Children Of Decadence chorus but you need to put your ear on the correct speaker to hear it. Stuff like that.. I'm off to party now
I think HCDR's mixing/overall sound is bad in general. Overly tinny, metallic, it's just bad. :erk:

I would love if the Hatebreeder album had the overall sound of FTR. Musically the album is 10/10, and some of Bodom's best, but that drum sound gets on my fucking nerves.
I think HCDR's mixing/overall sound is bad in general. Overly tinny, metallic, it's just bad. :erk:

I would love if the Hatebreeder album had the overall sound of FTR. Musically the album is 10/10, and some of Bodom's best, but that drum sound gets on my fucking nerves.

HCD sounds bad??? I mean, the final mix is a bit too quiet, you have to tweak the speakers up when HCD comes in, but the sound is awesome, with balls but crystal clear at the same time, including the bass.
Kind of weird thread, but anyway. I don't exactly agree with you (Joonas), I think HCD has the best guitar tone of all Bodom albums (*prepares to get raped*), quite clean.
I agree, I don't really like the Follow The Reaper tone, if Kissing The Shadows was recorded with HCDR's tone the solos would have sounded much better and cleaner.
HCD sounds bad??? I mean, the final mix is a bit too quiet, you have to tweak the speakers up when HCD comes in, but the sound is awesome, with balls but crystal clear at the same time, including the bass.

As I said, the whole album—guitar, drums, bass—has got this really tinny, metallic sound that I really don't like. HCDR sounds like Bodom meets industrial metal for me. I just don't like it. :erk:

I love the much more organic sounds of FTR.
I actually think HCDR has Bodom's best heavy tone. The intro of Sixpounder just sounds so damn mean. And I think LBRH fits it pretty well - I love the tone during the first solo, but that's just my opinion.

I would want to hear Triple Corpse Hammerblow with a Hatebreeder mix. I think that would fit it a lot more.