Songs That Give You Shivers

Couldn't find the one I wanted, but Novembre always gives shivers...any song.

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Here's another one that brings shivers all the way through. LOVE these lyrics.

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I'd have to say the biggest shivers I'll ever get from a single song is from this one. It shall always and forever be this way.

I really hate AIC...

There was mention of them earlier but this song, especially the chorus is awesome... very beautiful lyrics /fag

They played it especially for me when I saw them, I met up with them before the show, they were pretty much just like tourists, no one in line knew who the fuck they were so we talked for a good while and then I asked them what they were playing and they said it, and I was like "You're not playing Bereavement?" and he was like "Well, we can for you if you'd like." It was awesome, they were really nice guys btw!


Pretty buzzed after the show:


Man I gained a lot of weight :lol: This was like in September '07...
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The Mission is so awesome live. They've played it every time I've seen them (like... 100 times... and I don't even like them that much... they just come around A LOT.)

Also Eyes of a Stranger acoustic > normal
Shivers for me really come at specific mindframes when I'm listening to something. One day I could be listening to something and the next day, I could be listening to some and shivers occur.

Though, I can't recollect many occurrences. One occurrence I can remember is driving near my house listening to Gojira - Global Warming and having shivers during the verse. Another occurrence happened when I was driving over the pass to Moses Lake (I lived there for a number of years and have a lot of family there, including my mom) while listening to Nightwish - The Poet and the Pendulum. The part where Annette is singing (right before the last chorus) with only the double bass beat going (well, background shit is included but no guitars) gave me and still does give me shivers. I'm actually listening to that shit right now but I'm kind of drunk....yea, but it's true. Fuck, I gotta piss.
Enslaved - Bounded By Allegience

Enslaved - The Voices

Neurosis - Locust Star

Neurosis- Stones From the Sky
Neurosis - Water is Not Enough

thats all for now, How can anyone not like Primordial? Gojira is badass too though, but seriously Novembre?
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Just personal preference. I don't understand the big deal about bands like me they're overrated and boring. But I'm sure a lot of people would disagree.