Songs you would like to hear live...


Aug 6, 2004
I wish COB would play these songs live: Red Light in My Eyes (P.1), The Nail, Black Widow, Children of Decadence, Taste of My Scythe, and Northern Comfort. Anyone with me?
Definitely, but I think such wishes are in vain...they stopped playing stuff like that some time ago...I think they never even played Northern Comfort live...damn shame
i wish they would still play these / start playing these

Kissing The Shadows
Northern Comfort
Mask of Sanity
Taste of My Scythe
You're Better Off Dead
Children of Decadence
Lake Bodom
and the Aces High cover.. cause its so awesome :)
Any song would do, but hearing them heavily modified or with extended parts would be cool. Like TLAOD on TW with the theme from "The Rock" played at the beginning... Luckily there seems to be a remix of Angels Don't Kill on the forthcoming dvd-ep.

- Happy Birthday
- For He's a Jolly Good Fellow
- Trogdor the Burninator
- Lumberjack Song ("Always look on the bright side of life etc....")

Well there's some, I think there's more good ones too but haven't got the time to think now.