Just gonna go ahead and get me one of these
And hold on to my NES and my Dreamcast (that I've been trying to sell on CL)
How exactly would it make piracy obsolete? If we're talking CDs and putting a stop-gap measure into them I could see that being feasible but for digital downloads? Some people listen on numerous devices, car stereos(and friend's car stereos), etc.. Are we going to restrict playback to one device, use a passcode or what?
Fuck this world is getting too complicated for my old ass. Off to listen to some Pink Floyd on my record player.
2nd, the price of video games isn't as bad as some people think. sure $60 seems like a shit ton on the surface, but how many 100s of hours of entertainment can that get you?
2nd, the price of video games isn't as bad as some people think. sure $60 seems like a shit ton on the surface, but how many 100s of hours of entertainment can that get you? think of what else you can do to entertain your self or family with $60, and a video game starts looking pretty affordable. on top of that, i remember paying $47(tax included) to buy the original NES legend of zelda when i was 7 years old. that means that in 22 years, the price of a top title has gone from a little over $40 to $60. compare that with any other form of entertainment, and the cost increase over the years really hasn't been that great.
Tho i don't care if playstation does this, i am a pc gamer, we actually can't use second hand games most of the time. But like you say indeed, i remember back the the days, new pc games costed like 1999 Belgian franks, now they most cost 49,99 euro. Its the same, price hasnt changed for years. While a beer in the pub used to cost like 35 to 40 belgian franks, its now 1,50 to 2,50 euro. Wich is more then double. Same goes for Ricola, or just most of food and necessary things in life.
It's sony being smart, the majority probably buys their games new anyway. Every company needs to keep making profit to stay alive. While many countries are increasing taxes on luxury goods, i think the entertainment sector does a decent job (peavey amps still cost the same also). They could also become assholes and just increase the price, but they don't.
Big example is washing powder and whatever there is to clean. They just decrease the content of the product, and keep the price the same, or make bigger packages, 2L instead of 1.5L and then almost double the price. Ppl wont notice it that much. I see no one bitching about this? There is just one sony, if that dies, its no more playstation. I think there are still enough washing powder companies left keep our clothes clean if one of them dies.
Online games... shooters, fighters, sports titles... 100s of hours. He's right.