Sorrey guys.

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
Sorrey about the comment I said on the 'who's met mike romeo' thread.
Err, that post wasn't very mature of me, i don't know what i was thinking. I was sick on the day aswell, but thats no exuse whatsover. The second pick is just him on a bad day, i don't really think he's THAt ugly anyway. I was intending it as a joke, but it looked like i was being a prick. It looked like i didn't like Romeo, which is SOOO not ture. I have the upmost respect for him (even if it didn't look like it in that comment) He's brobably my favourite guitarist in metal today, i mean c'mon - the guys a genius!.
I just wanted to say it here 'coz i can't do it in the thread coz' it got closed. I didn't think it will go down that way, but i don't know...mabey i have a wierd sense of humor or something.

Either way that comment wasn't acceptible and my appologies go here.
You can make it up to me by going to the musicians corner and replying to my "plea for help with tapping" thread i just created.
I didn't see the post you are talking about so I wouldn't know if you sounded like you were joking around or actually being an a-hole. Anyway.....I kinda have the same sense of humor in that I poke a little fun of my favorite bands and musicians, but in my opinion it is no different than joking around with you best friends about one another. Me and a friend of mine joke about one of our favorite bands (X-Japan) and how they sing sometimes in "engrish" and poke fun at the drummer (who happens to be the best drummer that ever existed) because he wore a back brace when he used to play drums and has hurt himself practicing. The rythimic guitarist plays super fast shreds consistently yet is known to be the "lazy" member of the group. We love the band and each member but poking a little fun at them shows how much we care and love the band. I have kinda poked fun at Romeo because he straps his guitar all the way up to his chest. I think it looks so funny but I understand he does that to be able to play as good and accurate as he does. But it is still funny looking. I don't know if Shreddy just blatantly called him "ugly" or if it was more innocent of a comment, but their are some people who just don't have the same sense of humor as others and take some comments the wrong way. BTW...I aslo think the Romeo/Pinella duels are kinda humurous cause I picture the two in the studio getting angry at one another and getting real serious with one another trying to outplay the other......LOL! Ok I will shush it now.
you know, dont appologize for posts. show some balls and confidence.

I thought it was a stupid post personally, but it didnt make me mad at you in any way. If it sounds stupid to me I just dont reply.
i only just read all that now.. i mustnt have seen that thread in a while.

i'm glad jax closed it down, it makes me sad to see people say things about mjr or any of the guys. i think mjr is quite attractive frankly so i dont see where it comes from.. * btw, heart thumping a thousand miles a minute at the pic of russ in the ones with drumrman..he is so yummy* (had to add that).

a good tip before u say ANYTHING about someone, no matter who they are.. is how do u think u will make that person feel by what you are saying? if it could possibly hurt their feelings, then dont say it, jokes at the expense of others are NEVER funny.
I took it as more of a joke Shred...but when Jax intervenes, you know you have screwed

It's good that you apologized. I wasn't offended, but I understand that some could be, so I feel it is mature of you to apologize, or apologise in your language. :grin:
I apologize in advance for this repost...but for the record...
a :grin:
or similar smiley means that you're fucking joking!!!

I have had many lashes against things I have wrote because I like to mess around alot.

This may not be related to what happened in your post Shred, but please people...
not everyone posts serious statements!

and that's a serious thing for me if people cannot take a joke...

:grin: er :mad: er :grin: I'm :confused:
I guess he put the thread back up cause I just saw it. He did kinda blatantly say it but did have that goofy face thingy along with it to show he wasn't being real serious about it. Even though I am known to poke fun I think things being said so blatantly sound very straightforward ("damn! ugly!!!") and mean. It just never made sense to me for someone to say "no disrespect to so and so" BUT...., and then make such a straightforward mean remark. You say no disrespect and then disrespect. I guess joking in that sort of manner is best left out of message boards as everyone interprets jokes and other things differently. Best to keep to yourself and any friends who understand when you are joking by knowing how much you love or respect the butt of the joke you are making.
the_satanic_rabbit said:
I took it as more of a joke Shred...but when Jax intervenes, you know you have screwed

It's good that you apologized. I wasn't offended, but I understand that some could be, so I feel it is mature of you to apologize, or apologise in your language. :grin:

Yeah, well when i read the people saying stuff like 'fuck off and grow up!' i was like 'shit, i've F(_) ( Ked up. But then when Lady said i'll get banned if i don't shut up, i was like :OMG: so i thought i'll appologise for that, 'coz i'm a nice guy DAMMIT:yell:. I should of said saomething like'on that second photo, Romeo looks a little off than normal' rather than 'he's ugly', but i thought that smilie face kinda showed that i wasn't being serious, so...yeah
But hey, I've read numerous things in other forums that are much worst than that about the very band that they post in, but this forum, is, alot better and mature that most others so..yeah...
So............? Does anyone else think that Romeo looks funny when he plays his guitar strapped all the way to his chest? LOL! Sorry....just that everytime I listen to SX I think of them playing live and seeing him play it at his chest! Well I imagine it since I have never had the ultimate pleasure of going to one of their day, one day!
I don't really think it looks funny. I play my bass with it hanging pretty high too.

I think it's the fact that alot of "cool" players let their guitar hang so low and so people think that's the way it's suppossed to be done.

Well, it's not.
I don't think MJR straps high either. I think he has it at a happy medium. Petrucci...he kinda has it high. I play with my guitar strapped kinda high though...I think playing it low is harder.

Oh and Shreddie, I thought your apology was very nice. What you said made me mad, but now I feel better :)
Thanks for the apology, Shred-dude. An easy guideline for what is & isn't okay here is this: would you do it in front of the band members? This is their home on the the comparison would be going into Romeo's home & saying *damn you're ugly*..or if he gave a guy a hug, saying *omg you're a faggot*..would you do that to his face, even jokingly? I should hope not. So just bear in mind that you're in their 'home', & behave accordingly (and remember that we reserve the right to have rude guests removed). ;)

One more reminder: though the band members don't post here, you don't know who may be watching the forum..
Good point...hmmm....if I was in their house, I still might rag on em a little bit just to see what they'd say...just messin around of course... :grin:

Anyway, about high strapping, I don't think he straps high...he plays about the same height that I do...when I was in a band our other guitar player had his hanging down by his knees. It's frickin impossible to play that way unless you have gorilla arms!!!
So what does that say about low riders?
I didn't take Shreddy's comment seriously. It's his opinion.

I think it's OK to say something "controversal" once in a while to spice things up. I'm not encouraging bad behaviour or disrespect, but it is cooler when people react to your posts (in a good or bad way) rather than ignore you, even if it means being banned, flamed and/or spitted on. Speaking from experience. :grin:
Lady of the Oracle said:
One more reminder: though the band members don't post here, you don't know who may be watching the forum..

Oh shit, if MJR is reading this;
Sorrey Sorrey SorreySorrey SorreySorrey SorreySorrey Sorrey!!! YOur extreemily good looking.:notworthy :notworthy: YOur a genius!!! Im not worthy Im not worthy Im not worthy!! :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
Macy said:
I didn't take Shreddy's comment seriously. It's his opinion.

I think it's OK to say something "controversal" once in a while to spice things up. I'm not encouraging bad behaviour or disrespect, but it is cooler when people react to your posts (in a good or bad way) rather than ignore you, even if it means being banned, flamed and/or spitted on. Speaking from experience. :grin:

That's one of the stupidest things I've heard all year.