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Thrash fiend

Apr 21, 2005
Had to make another london thread

I travelled all the way form Scotland to see this,was it worth it? Aye,pretty much, i had a fuckin good time. things were to quiet at first though but the sound gradually picked up. Lake bodom was played, made my night(pit was cool) and roopes solo(short but sweet) was in my opinion better than anything alexi pulled off all night(exept for when he swung his guitar perfectly whilst standing on the car haha,I wanted him to fuck it up inside). However i dont think the sound was all that great and theres was alot of thickness and complexity missing mainly because all of the duel harmnoies coudnt be pulled off live, as a third guitar would be needed to play the rhythm. Also mr laiho was(while still good) pretty sloppy in places. But yeah was not still fun, but not a patch on the legendary tokyo warhearts perfromance in my opinion.

Does everyone disagree? or did anyone notice this stuff aswel.
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