Sorry! still life concept!


Eats and spits corpses...
Sep 2, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Visit site
i know this question has been posted here before, but what is the story about. if anyone has either the link to that topic (the search engine wouldn't show me) or can retype it i'd be thankful!

a lover who comes back after a long time [15 years according to "the moor"] and finds that his old lover has become a nun, later in "serenity painted death" she is killed, and he goes on a killing spree, but since he is outnumbered they kill him too, in "white cluster"

BUT i could be totally off, i'll leave this one off to the main killaz
exactly..use the search and you'll find numerous threads about it,searchwords such as "concept","storyline" and so on should work.
Basically it's exactly how chaveta put it,but there's detailed versions out there.
the search engine had some results but not only unuseful ones...and i did wait long...will try it again tho...

btw: call me narrot or david...whatever you like kotno plz ;) thx in advance
"The album itself is a concept album, telling the story of a traveller who was banished from his village, being forced to leave his true love, returning to the very same village, only to learn that his love is/will soon be married to another. In the end, she's murdered, and the lead character's pretty much framed for it, and the final track describes his public hanging."

The power of google.