
he's off, i hope not for too long. people shit on him here, and as he has lots of problems at home......
I'll see him tomorrow, will talk about it.
shit 3rd post sorry, Gorik, i dunno what the situation is you are in, or how your mind is, i can only imagine, and if you were like me at 17, all I can say is just hang in there, it was really crazy times for me, as i say though, don't know how you are at 17.
Andy_2003 said:
shit 3rd post sorry, Gorik, i dunno what the situation is you are in, or how your mind is, i can only imagine, and if you were like me at 17, all I can say is just hang in there, it was really crazy times for me, as i say though, don't know how you are at 17.
Well this thread hasn't got anything to do with what I'm up to nowadays. Everything going more or less smoothly. HATE seeing that crap again though. I was fucking up every up-fuckable thing back then.
you all got your e-community really fucked up. it exists to give you the pleasure of casual friendly relationships, over the country borders, that you can dismiss/end/thrash at any given time if you so choose. don't take anything serious and you'll be alright. do not at any given time look for something more than a pleasent pastime. if you put any more effort into it you'll soon end up like that lad up there who had a crack down.

-Brynjar, chatted since 1996
Bambi said:
But i was trying to remember what our cerulean used to call himself back in the day, "forlorn hope" he he he proper gay that is
gay, you say? :tickled:
