Sorskogen - Mordet I Grottan

^ Thanks I wanted that too, its a great track, more progressive sounding than To Rid the Disease
it's not eeriy..eer...strange at all. that was mike's intent. some people wanted an official release of the 2-3 sorkogen songs, some wanted a full album. he settled for ripping the chorus and other aspects from mig. for this we are greatful.
you'll find there's also an excerpt from gta or gta vice city floating around which sounds 'eerily' like windowpane, it even features the word in the lyrics. i believe mike was playing alot of it at the time of recording.
a sorskogen album woulda been nice... indeed.. with mabye translations or something in the cover for the lyrics.. so we can kinda understand what hes talking about :grin:
The Murder in the Cave

A summer once ago
The warmth sweeps through
We smile, laughing
But a strange calmness take place
Somewhere in the forest
The cave where we played as kids
A harmed body, in eternal sleep
Robbed the dawn of life

Who murdered him
Who took his life
Nobody knows, yet today

Throw the darkness over our "perfect place"(don't know th word)
Light that shines
Takes us to better days
His soul wanders further
We slowly go back
The trail leads us home
The day is soon to end
We try to forget
The murder in the cave

Who murdered him
Who took his life
Nobody knows, yet today

Who murdered him
Who took his life
Nobody knows, yet today
Does anyone know if Sorskogen has released a full album? I would be very interested. Perhaps Mikael can tell us a little about Sorskogen...
@rekkr: the short answer (again) is no. as in no there is not a full album. there were only about 3 song written under the sorskogen name as far as we are able to determine, and it would appear that mordet i grotan is the only song that had a surving recording (mike dug around one day to see if he had any tapes of the other two songs he could master and 'release' but they would appear to be lost forever).
Moonlapse said:
I honestly would've preffered a full-length Sorskogen album over Damnation. Sure it's cheesy and cliche as hell, but I think it's alot more pleasant too.

hmm, interesting. the sorskogen song is pretty good, but i love damnation, and i'm gonna have to disagree here. i'm happy they made that album.