Soul Seek


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I had a problem on Sunday and my computer gone. SO i had to format and reinstall everything plus more shit from conflicts of the antivirus and Windows XP.

I had basically sorted out most of the problems but I can't find the UM room in Soul Seek. I had refreshed the list three times and still doesn't show.

I can see for example delize active but I can't see the room.

Any ideas?

I'm already on SS 155 since 152 seems to be sacked by the makers of the program.
I assume you've waited til after that godawful pause where it seems like the program's crashed and it still hasn't showed? :confused:
It's really hard to find! :) So when you do find it don't forget to join the room or you will have the same problem all over again. It's there, you just have to scroll real slow in your searching for it. Sorry I can't drop any bread crumbs to lead the way :lol:
I've been playing around in the chat rooms and guess what? All you have to do is:

Right click on Rooms
Create a room_________
Type in: UM Old School
You just created a chat room....BUTTTT that room already you are taken to that room! Try it!!!
Yeah I found that yesterday out of desperation :lol: Thanks for the hint anyway.