Soundtrack to McDonalds

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Killbot said:
You could interpret this as, if you could play one metal song for all the general public to hear, what would you play and why?

stop trying to turn this into a worthwhile thread
Kreator/Destroyer said:
stop being worthless

if you went to hell and there was music playing, what songs?

i say anything by Ricky Martin, then you would know that you were eternally damned

or maybe,

Suffocation - Surgery of Impalement
Dunkelheit - Burzum
Dismember - Let the Napalm Rain
anything by Cannibal Corpse

uhh sounds of screaming babies aka Anal Cunt

uhh or every Slayer song ever
Usually we play some Pussycat Dolls or whatever mainstream RnB or pop is big at the time. Our manager lets us create our own cd mixes so long as he gets to hear them first but I stopped bothering when he rejected mine for having Deftones on it. I hate my manager.
As utterly interesting and fantastic as this thread is, it's silly. So is the one about hell, which I guess I should close too...then again, that thread warrants actual discussion and is basically a "most evil sounding band/album/song" thread, whereas this is a joke.
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