Soundtrack to Hell

Yeah but if we cant pitch then it leads to situations where we need to hit in the clutch, which only ortiz can do (or so it seems)

we need one hell of an offseason
Ender Rises said:
Hell for me -- somewhere cramped where I can't get out. The dark the worse. NO control. And no music, that would make it easier to deal with if there were music. Unless it's like pop or rap. ICP. I would kill myself if I was forced to listen to ICP... unless I was already dead... then I'm fucked.
I think I know what you are talking about. Perhaps somewhere like the catacombs under Paris. I read somewhere that you must keep a light source at all times down there, if you somehow lose the light source, you will never get out. Basically, it is total darkness forever down there, in huge twisted mazes of tunnels....I could imagine all sorts of horrors living in there *SHUDDERS*

edit: I just had an idea. I could find some real terrifying stories from this board I go to. They are true stories about real people who have had actual paranormal experiences. They really are very frightening sometimes....Maybe we could have a thread where people could post the best ones :)
Mike27 said:
listening to too much immortal, my friend


have you seen the movie 976 evil ?. hell freezes over at the end and the earth cracks. I was thinking that
metal_wrath said:
edit: I just had an idea. I could find some real terrifying stories from this board I go to. They are true stories about real people who have had actual paranormal experiences. They really are very frightening sometimes....Maybe we could have a thread where people could post the best ones :)
I decided to make this thread in the Chat forum,

if anyones interested :)
I bet Abba is playing in hell and that's where spectacular views wants to be.
go ahead it serves no purpose but for people to find a reason to call me an idiot more than usual