Soundtrack to Your Escape is cool.

Devillicus said:
No, a simple look at the formulaic structuring of their songs these days would suggest that they are not putting as much effort into their songwriting as they used to.

Ok, I like this 'sixth sense' you have. I wish I had it, because I could've sworn they just toured the whole fucking planet this summer.
Ask yourself > What RtR or STYS have of Death Metal?? Where are the melody the spectacular solos or the extraordinary instrumentals????
IN MY OPINION I repeat IN MY OPINION the new stuff is a SHIT , I want old in flames !!
Justin_BORK said:
Ok, I like this 'sixth sense' you have. I wish I had it, because I could've sworn they just toured the whole fucking planet this summer.

As Stefan said, songwriting and touring are very different things. Obviously the band are putting in the hard yards on tour and put on a good show when they play live, but this effort doesn't seem to be found in their songwriting. I never claimed to have a sixth sense, as I said....

'No, a simple look at the formulaic structuring of their songs these days would suggest that they are not putting as much effort into their songwriting as they used to.'

It's a logical conclusion, not the gospel truth. Only In Flames themselves would really know how much effort they've put into songwriting, this is just how it seems from my perspective. Calm down.
Justin_BORK said:
Not metal?

Oh. You're one of "those types"

Y'know, who take the term metal so seriously they wish death apon anything not metal "om666 fUck MtVee, en MurD3R 3M0!"

Grow up.
If by those types, you mean one who trys to be a true metalhead, and not listen to garbage that gets mistaken for metal, yes.
It offends me when people associate korn, system of a down etc with metal, and I ask them if it sounds anything like a pantera, or early metallica(fairly well known metal bands) and they say something about them using powerchords.
There's a metal style power chord, and a rock style power chord.
One is a simple, slow style, on is a faster, more rhythmic style.
Example- the opening riff to prison by SOAD.. thats a simple riff, the opening riff to master of puppets, while still not too hard, is much more complex then simply moving your finger(1 of them..) a few frets up or down.
I reckon with the same basic power chords, buth with more rhythem, STYE could have been much more metal.
Devillicus said:
As Stefan said, songwriting and touring are very different things. Obviously the band are putting in the hard yards on tour and put on a good show when they play live, but this effort doesn't seem to be found in their songwriting. I never claimed to have a sixth sense, as I said....

'No, a simple look at the formulaic structuring of their songs these days would suggest that they are not putting as much effort into their songwriting as they used to.'

It's a logical conclusion, not the gospel truth. Only In Flames themselves would really know how much effort they've put into songwriting, this is just how it seems from my perspective. Calm down.

Yes, but the thing is. HOW do you know how much effort they put into the recording? Were you there with them? If not, it's all speculation and therefor you can't be completely correct. They could be racking their necks with the stuff, you have no idea. It's really easy and conveinient to say "Yeah, they're not trying" as a cop-out because you don't like it, but you really don't know.
'If not, it's all speculation and therefor you can't be completely correct.'

It's idle chatter, that's all. I may be a mile off, I may be dead right. You know as much as I or anyone else on this board about the inner workings of the band (ie bupkus). None of us here know for sure, all we can do is interpret what we find before us, and what I've said seems logical and most likely correct to me, you don't have to believe it, that's what opinions are all about. And as I said before, my assumption is based upon the level of compositional sophistication as opposed to whether I like it or not.

Justin BORK said:
One mentions they like new In Flames, and you have guys going' "oh, your an invalid with inferior taste".
No one here said anything of the sort. You and anyone else can like whatever you want.

However, nothing restricts the rest of us from saying STYE is a gargantuan piece of elephant shit and that Anders Friden enjoys forcing kitchen utensils into his rectal cavity and recording his tortured reactions on tape as excuses for vocals.

These days, anyway. At one point, he was tolerable...and the music was A class.

Devilicus seems to be trying to make his point about the band using a toenail's worth of their initial ability to compose "songs." I agree with this, and most signs affirm that...firstly the songwriting on the CD itself.

You can't compose and structure songs the way they were on Lunar Strain or The Jester Race by accident. There is a clear usage of mainstream structure and 'hip' new techniques in writing and recording for one apparent reason, although the band vehemently claims the contrary: $$$
"However, nothing restricts the rest of us from saying STYE is a gargantuan piece of elephant shit and that Anders Friden enjoys forcing kitchen utensils into his rectal cavity and recording his tortured reactions on tape as excuses for vocals."

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
uh..feeling a bit trashed and smashed..
I really liked STYE and still do.. I started with R2R, and fell in love with the whole scene..
Then I ran into Soilwork and got deeper with this thing.
I wanted to know more and got Clayman..there was this masterpiece "Suburban me"..
This happened a year ago and now I know a lot more. (an' I like it :) )
Of course STYE differs greatly from the previous albums..Guys are older and more commercial??
BUT still I have to say that listening to Evil in the closet saved my last summer..