Albums DT is listening to...


New Metal Member
Jul 24, 2002
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All of them seem to be listening to the new In Flames CD. I assume they listen to it so they know what NOT to do in the future.

Sadly, in my humble opinion, In Flames is turning into the next Metallica of the metal world. I know In Flames tried to pull a Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos, but comon...its a pathetic album.

Regardless Soilwork was better than In Flames anyways. :)
Also, Speed Strid > Anders. Sorry In Flames fans.

Begin the flaming!

i like the new soilwork better than the new in flames.
i still like the new in flames at least a bit and definitely better than the previous.
i know for a fact that at least some members of dt find the new in flames quite enjoyable.
i'm pretty sure no member of dt would ever think of doing such an album in the future.

see? no need to flame anyone? :) :spin:

Listen to Blackstar Deciever on NBC and then The Treason Wall on DD, pretty clear that some DT members have listened alot to Soilwork.
wasnt there a discussion about this earlier? Jeez, be happy their listening to it and your not than sheesh :rolleyes:

F_V (not in a good mood :p )