New Fan Of DT....Need Album Suggestions

She thinks the band is kickass, and I couldn't agree with her more on the comment of "those guys are the masters of melodic death" comment she made today. Tranquillity still retains that amazing sound when bands like Soilwork and In Flames just jumped right out of that gothenburng style, into more metalcore shit.

She digs it a lot. :)

And Character is an awesome album. I have been crazy about it this week so far, and I will probably listen to it until I feel like moving on, I come back to all of my albums sooner or later.

Man, I'm proud of my musical genre. For the wicked!

My Negation....Lost To Apathy....The New Build...Through Smudged Lenses..fucking amazing songs.

:rock: For life.
UndoControl said:
Then she is worthy of my approval as a member of the DT@UM society. ;)

Word. I've gotta invite her here.

Haha, well, as soon as I get on my feet, man, I'm planning on moving my family out of the U.S., and somewhere to Europe, or maybe Canada. This place is starting to get odd. I wanna be around nature more, and I want to be around MORE metalheads, and better people. Not there I'm not around awesome people here, but I want another breed...another build..haha.
First of all, I'm a new fan of DT, I've been knowning them for the past 2-3 years and I've been listening to them more this year, mainly their latest stuff. After reading reviews for ''Character'' that most rate it between 4-5/5, I don't think lower, it seems that is a must buy. I heard a few samples, they were all great and I downloaded ''Lost to Apathy'' (sry for downloading).

So, I'm planning to buy the album, but, in my local store there's a normal enhanced edition and there's limited edition with a different cover that includes videos in (2-3 I think). The price on the limited edition was lower, something that really surprised me, and I wanted to know why, and If I should buy the limited edition or the enhanced.

(*I'll probably not participate to this forum as I'm not a big death metal fan, I only like a few melodic death metal bands like DT, but, any help would be appreciated.)
Get the edition with the videos. And one of the editions (i wouldn't know which one, though) has 4 live tracks as a bonus. You might want to get that one, actually, since you'll get a slight idea of what their older stuff sounds like. Also, most people here will tell you that their older stuff (mainy 1995-1997) is much better than their newer stuff.
Well, if you can get the limited edition that contains more bonus stuff for a lower price, i don't see why you should get the other one.
Unless you like the coverart of the enhanced (?) edition better.
It's all very personal, depends on your taste. The Mind's I is more old-skool, more thrashy, while Haven has more electronics in it.
I'd get The Mind's I.

edit: you also miss Skydancer. ;)
Wow, what a difficult choice... . Just as Siren said, " THe Mind's I " is obviously more old-school, pretty thrasy and harsher vocals ye could say.

But then again, " Haven "has elcetronics, making it a disc that gets you into its realm from the first song till the last. The use of electronic is just simply amazing, horrahh for Martin B. !!!!!!


Basically put it like this: old-school vs. electronics

Though the easiest way out would be to buy 'em both, which I'm sure ye will hehe.
Get Haven if you want to hear their newer sound, Haven, Damage Done and Character all have the same sorta sound in a way, just like Minds I, Gallery, Projector, Skydancer etc....I'd recommend haven, was the first DT album i bought, and probably still one of my all time favourite albums! that album got me hooked on DT! HAH!

Minds I is still killer though, get all DT cds!
Get them both, buying only one of them is not an option. It doesnt matter which one you get earlier. And Skydancer - that one should actually be the first for you to buy of the three.
Haven ftw!

I never understood what was so hard about buying them all albums. At once.


(So what if I don't do that??)
FearTheReaper said:
I cant decide which one to buy and i thought some advice would help. I own the gallery,projector,damage done,and character. THANX:kickass:
i suggest u buy them all.. it's really worth it to have the entire discography.. at least the normal releases.. :kickass: