New Fan Of DT....Need Album Suggestions

I got character when it came out and ive loved it since then, but i just thought to myself *why the fuck have i waited this long before getting the rest of their albums??*. Since i obviously know nothing about DT, could you guys give me a list of what the best DT albums are in order? (including character, just so i can see how it ranks to other dt albums).
Everyone here will give you a different one, but mine is as follows:
The Gallery
Of Chaos and Eternal Night EP
The Minds I
Damage Done
marduk1507 said:
Everyone here will give you a different one
^ What he said.


The gallery
The mind's i
Damage done
Lost to apathy
Enter suicidal angels
Of chaos and eternal night
Enfeebled Earth ;)
Trail of life decayed
A moonclad reflection

Depends on what you like, really. If you loved "Character", chances are you'll love "Damage" (and, of course, "Lost") too. If you're more into romantic stuff, i suggest "The gallery", "The mind's i" and "Skydancer". If you're a death/violence/growling fan, the demos from 1989-1992 will suit you fine. Finally, if you'd rather hear the more melodic, mellower, softer DT (with clean vocals! ;)) then "Projector" is for you. You could think of "Exposures" as some kind of 1999-2002 compilation plus the 1991 and 1992 demos and a couple of songs from 1995-1997.
For me it'd be more something like

The Gallery
The Mind's I
Of Chaos and Eternal Night
Damage Done

But I believe all you can do is listen to them all. DT has been doing so many different things since their early days. It's actually impossible to say "this album is superior to that one" Since they're all so different!
@UndoControl : You got that right. These albums do present a similar sound but I think that there is a lesser resemblance between "Character" and "Damage" than with the other similarities you've pointed out.
LOL I just made a thread asking the same thing... I was playing "complete idiot" by not searching first. :oops:

Anyways, The Gallery is awesome and so is Character. I think I'm going to check out Damage Done next.
They're all good. The best cd is a matter of personal taste.

It's probably 'The Gallery'. :p