New Fan Of DT....Need Album Suggestions

IMHO you should check Haven - simply the way how electronics should be used in every band. However I discovered DT with Damage Done which is still one of my fav.
.......and as everybody here agrees, every DT album except Projector ( :p )is a masterpiece.
Well, I had hated Projector at first, but then after like 150 spins :ill: my mind changed completely. I love this album, although I still think Day to End is supergay! Anyway, I still insist on what I said before, if you want to understand what the band is doing now, you gotta go back to their roots - to Skydancer, The Gallery and The Minds I.
@Siren: I meant here on the DT forum, because all the other squirrels have deserted the tree for long. I think they were fed up after hearing Character all day long :lol:

To come back to the topic I think new DT listeners should begin with The Gallery (best of the old stuff IMHO) and Damage Done (maybe the most "accessible" of the new stuff, though I prefer Haven)......
@Squirrel: At first i had replied this to you, but then i thought i should change my reply to something more indirect. But since you had to clarify that "indeed, here on the DT forum everybody agrees that every DT album except Projector is a masterpiece", i also can't help to indicate that you have been on this very DT forum for less than a month, and therefore aren't very inclined to know what everybody agrees on and what not. There.
@Siren: True, I've been REGISTERED and POSTING here for less than one month. But I've already been around, as a DT fan, only to READ what other people thought on one of my fav bands - for quite more time than that...... anyway that's not the point, I'm not here for arguing :)
My sentence "everybody on the DT forum think that Projector is not that good" was only a little provocation ;) as I read some people here loved this album.
Sorry if you misunderstood me :)

Indeed, I love it too !
@Squirrel: Well, as a provocation i must say it worked. :D
It's nice to know you've been around for longer and been reading what's going on. :)
Sometimes i'm a bit weird, so please bear with me. ;)
@Siren: Don't worry :) I know I sometimes forget that people here don't "know" me as well as I "know" them (for the reason written above) ;)

....... I already imagined the following post : "Well, I'm new to DT and came here to read album suggestions, and all what I saw was a siren arguing with a squirrel..." :lol::lol::lol:
Hiya all, could you please post your opinions on which one the best DT album is, i'm all new to the band and i need something to start out with...

I don't see the point really, but I think that...uhh, they're all more or less great. I honestly can't pick a favourite, which is strange, but obviously good since there's many great albums to pick from.
I guess The Gallery or Damage Done are the best ones to start with, or if you prefer less heavy stuff, then Projector.
asztrod said:
Hiya all, could you please post your opinions on which one the best DT album is, i'm all new to the band and i need something to start out with...

oh well it depends of which kinda music you listen to generally...i mean,if you like death/black metal you probably won't like the recent stuff...I,i love that much "The Gallery" and "Mind's I". The Gallery is maybe more complicated,with lots of riff changing and stuff...btw how did you know about DT?