How to print out your character:
Please follow directions carefully. You will need some kind of paint program like Microsoft Paint or photoshop. Print directly from the web page by clicking the "print" icon at the top of your browser.
1. Press the "print screen" or "prnt scrn" button on your keyboard.
2. Open Windows Paint (or any other paint program)
3. Click on Edit > Paste (or press Ctrl+V)
4. Click on any tool to remove the dashed border
5. Move the scroll bars to the right and bottom, grab the corner with the mouse (press and keep the button down), and pull the corner closer to your character (if you have a background as well, pull the corner to the lower right corner of the background).
6. Rotate the image 180 degress and repeat.
7. Rotate the image 180 degress so it's right side up, then save your image twice - once as a BMP file, again as a JPG file (Save as... > save as type
. You can make changes to your BMP image and save it as JPG if you wanna add your own touches.