spaffe has you all fucken beat


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
So maybe a week ago, I receive a brown padded envelope from god damn SINGAPORE of all places, totally unexpected! It has a customs sticker saying "candy" & a letter from spaffe saying "hey I sent you this stuff, be sure to post about it on RC" or something to that effect, and these contents:


(You know something is wrong when they have to tell you on the package a snack is "tasty")

So I :lol: a bit, half in disgust at actually having to eat the stuff, and then put it back in the package and try to forget about it. A few nights later, I come home drunk at about 2 AM after having seen KATAKLYSM and BOLT THROWER :kickass: and I decide I need a SALTY SNACK to prevent hangover the following day:


I thought I would start with the least offensive looking of these TASTY SNACKS; each package of this seaweed crap weighs like 6 grams and contains 12 sheets or something. Yes, they're very very very thin SHEETS of seaweed that weigh practically nothing, seasoned with salt & sunflower oil or some shitz. It's not actually TOO BAD and in like 5 minutes I've eaten both packages sitting drunk on my bed! So then I moved on to the

*dramatic silence*




Jesus fucking christ, it's like beef jerky but made from cuttlefish. It's actually not all that offensive tasting but smells not-so-good and generally makes me feel a little uneasy. It's not actually salted or anything so you basically get TRUE CUTTLEFISH FLAVOUR. I ate like three pieces and since then the bag has just sat around (when I'm SOBER, I won't go fucking near the stuff)

The third monstrosity, then... DRIED CODFISH IN THIN STRIPS (?!)


(Out of focus but give me a god damn break, I was drunk)

Uh, well, I have no idea why anyone would want to eat this stuff. Contains sugar, tastes vaguely of fish; I had one or possibly two of these and it is not really anything I would want to eat any time soon (read: ever)

So uhh... :ill: THANKS A LOT (?) I GUESS spaffe :wave: (btw I enjoyed the documentaries you sent on DVD earlier also although I haven't seen them all yet, cheers)
Asian food markets house some of the strangest and tastiest products I've ever encountered.

Ooh, now with more lye!
Haha, I never noticed that it actually said "chewing gum of the orientals" -- that's horrible :lol:

Glad you liked the documentaries though (and the seaweed which was actually kind of tasty)