Spawns 10000 post extravaganza


Apr 14, 2001
Well, most of you probably dont remember the party, you all got VERY wasted, and looking back, I think my offer to pay for all the drinks for everyone may well have been a little foolish, heres a photo if you cant remember:

Look carefully, you might be able to spot yourself.

A little recap on the night:

Koichi drank. A lot. Then unfortunately managed to start a fight with Danny Cecati who had shown up to lend his support. Koichi kept treading on his hair and calling him a poofter, and things only escalated when Danny said that Koichi was an untr00 warrior for the metal cause and had no business throwing the horns. A fight ensued for most of the night, the scale of which had not been seen for milennia. Then as the sun broke through in the morning sky, the riot police were called in, heres a happy snap. Josh Carter was arrested for follicle abuse, assault, and drunken behaviour and was refused bail. As he was taken from the courtroom he screamed that it was all worth it.

Spiff, thankfully managing to avoid the conflict that befell one Josh Carter was seen drunkely declaring over the PA that Glenn Hughes IS the voice of rock and if you dont agree you are a stupid head. Several attempts were made to break into the PA box, but as of writing, they have been unsuccessful and he is still there.

Blitzkrieg was seen doing drunken Karaoke to Gravedigger all night in the bar, when someone else wanted a go he broke a bottle over their head and asked if anyone else wanted a go. Satisfied when noone did, he went back to singing.

Phlogiston made a valiant attempt to get Tori Amos played for the throng, but met with an ignominious end when a crowd of metalheads stripped him naked and tied him to the goalposts, where drunken women fondled and caressed him for the rest of the night. Phlogiston was later heard to remark that it was the best night ever, even better than that night when he got drunk, tripped and fell onto a woman and touched her breast slightly.

Kem was too busy in a drunken sexual orgy with Opeth to really enjoy the other festivities, Mikael Akerthing was seen stumbling out of a room at 3am begging for someone to help him, but was quickly dragged back inside.

Troops (who was NOT drunk, despite his protestations to the contrary) was in full glam gear and spent all night asking women to pull his love gun, lick his sweet delight and other such things. He felt his strike rate of 1 for every 23 asked was fair enough and was seen leaving with a 45 year old stripper who actually lived on the sunset strip in the 80s.

Southy was drunk and yelling at people, most who saw simply went "Oh thats just Southy".

Goreripper spent the night playing who wants to be a millionaire with all comers, only the questions were metal. Last count Goreripper had 870 million dollars. Many wondered how well he would do if he wasnt absolutely blind drunk.

JonBonJovi was found up on the roof with a sniper rifle, 45 rounds of ammunition and a rocket launcher, police are still unsure who the intended target was. She was heard to mutter "Last sunset that bastard will ever see" as she was taken away. Goreripper managed to post bail the next day as when he woke up, he had a splitting headache and somehow found he had 870 million dollars in his pocket

Mark and Dreamwatch spent the evening taking compromising photos of everyone they could, for blackmail purposes. Dreamwatch complained incessantly that the lighting was not helping.

Dravenmist spent the night in corpsepaint, spikes and ammunition belts, nobody believed him when he told them he hadnt touched a drop of alcohol. A little girl also asked "Why is that clown so sad?"

Gavin drank Guiness. Lots of it. Then left the party, went to a bar and drank more Guiness. Then went home. And had all the guiness in his fridge.

Salty was seen painting nudes down at the northern end of the field, several women were unimpressed when he drunkenly attempted to remove their clothes so "I can do some painting".

The Prisoner and Los4words led an Iron Maiden singalong for Fear Of The Dark, Spawn was said to nearly be in tears at how loud they were.

At around midnight, several hundred people who we had all only seen once in our lives and never again tried to gatecrash, Southy was last seen running into them screaming.

Ironcross didnt even show up.

The boys from Dungeon played a short set on the main stage, but when they refused to play Slave Of Love, things got ugly, words were exchanged and several stitches were required for each of the Dungeon boys the next day. Stu is still trying to remove his BCRich Beast guitar that someone impaled into Twisted Prophecies Entertainment. Stu is unsure if it was him or not.

AcesHigh was seen fleetingly, but nobody managed to see him long enough to say hello, drunken sources tell me he is now in a band called The Scorpions.

Wrathchild drove a taxi straight into the stadium, barreling over hundreds of partygoers before leaping out of the car and yelling "I made it!" before drinking himself into a stupor.

Sydo was found dancing with 8 women, he mentioned that 16 hands dont leave a lot of breathing room, before the throng of women surrounded him and to be perfectly frank, we havent heard from him since, rumour has it that Sydos ghost now haunts the stadium, especially around the womens toilets. These rumours are unconfirmed of course.

Shannow turned up late, and found everyone had passed out, so he sat on the grass and drank the leftover beer bottles lying around. Was said to "have had a good time, though everyone was a bit quiet."

Spruce Goose and Seventh Son were found in the upstairs bar arguing over something prog related. Harsh words were exchanged until Mike Portnoy bought each of them a drink and started a prog band then and there. Dream Theater fans everywhere quickly declared them the best thing since sliced bread, as of writing they are just about to release their 38th album, a concept one about the life and times of the universe since it started.

Moonchild turned up at the start, but disappeared just as the party was getting into full swing...

Anyway, im glad you all had fun, but im sure none of you remember it because you were so drunk.
how exactly you managed to concoct that spiel i'm not sure... entertaining, none the less. scary, too..

edit: i just realised it's your 10,000th post, not 1000th. Then i looked at my count, and i'm on 476. Hmm.....
It doesnt look it from outside, but once you are in there you would be surprised at how much space there is. You really would.
Winmar, PIV and Todd were conspicuous by their absence, some say the 747 that narrowly missed the stadium and crashed into the hillside had something to do with them, but nobody has found them to ask... All the police know is that a Mr S. Pawn is known to have been hated by the 3 for ignoring them because they didnt post enough at a message board. More details as the come to hand :)

MetalMeshuggahMan was seen wearing a flight suit, telling anyone who would listen to his drunken ramblings that "they could never do it without him!" though nobody was sure what he meant...
Congrats on the achievment spawny, and thanks for the party.

.........although I can't remember a freakin' thing

I'm glad that the rest of you were pissed enough to leave half empty bottles lying around.
Ceydn unfortunately shit his pants repeatedly after consuming far too much alcohol and hearing Blitzy sing a Karaoke version of St. Anger that had FAR superior vocals to the original! It took 2 solid days of cleaning to get the area back to looking respectable...