Spawny...(Star Wars question)...

I really enjoyed AOTC, but dont know where I rank it. I think Georgie boy should not have bothered fucking with digital until it could match the look of film better. There are some parts of AOTC that looked so fucked and grainy, because of either poor lighting, or the fact that digital couldnt pick up the images enough without boosting the gain...which just looks fucked.

Take a look at LOTR, Andrew Lesnie did a fucking amazing job filming that, used film...looks brilliant and vibrant, because he shot it on film.

Im into digital filmmaking and all...and like to do it...but i think if your going to make huge blockbuster films, you should be able make them at least look decent all the way through.

Hanging for The Two Towers!
You poor delusional bastards. WORST. ACTING. EVER.

I have seen Star Wars fan films that had better acting. No, im not joking.
Yes, it was, I will agree there. Lightsaber fights, space battles and fantastic set design tried to fight back valiantly against the acting :rock:
AOTC ruled! It took a while for ep 1 to grow on me but I like it too now. The acting isnt the best, but its faaaaaaaarrrrrrrr from the worst, so stop being whinging bastards you lot!! :p

Cant beat the original 3 though! Ive always wondered why, when Lucas redid the first 3 he didnt fix that scene when the storm trooper wacks his head when walking under a door in A New Hope. hehehheh that was funny :lol:
Um please correct me if im wrong but since when did any of the origional films have any 'good acting' in them
thats what makes epp 2 the best, bad acting, corny jokes, unknown actors (to the rest of the world anyway)
just like the origional trilogy
Epp1 was just to serious. and it just sucked
attack of the clones is the best out of all of them imo
The acting in the original trilogy SLAYS the new ones.

In the new ones, I keep waiting for them to stop, look at the camera, wink and go "hey, we know its only make believe" then start going "Pew, pew, die bad man!"
I always thought Harrison Ford was good in the trilogy, and Alec Guinness DID get an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor for the new one. Not sure why, though.

The bottom line is that George Lucas can't direct actors. Spielberg can direct actors AND make an entertaining popcorn flick.
INSOMNIA!!! :rock: Brilliant film, Spiff. Dunno if I liked it more than AOTC though.

Like KISS tours, Star Wars these days is an exercise in nostalgia. It gives the old fans more of what they want (lightsabre duels and starship battles), wraps it all up in a 21st century CGI package. I can turn a blind eye to bad acting and plot inconsistencies, as long as the new films make me feel six years old again. No problem so far :). Roll on November 13th so I can buy AOTC and hear the theme music in 5.1 channel surround.

I have all the others on video, and won't be updating to DVD until my tapes wear out or George Lucas releases the original trilogy as it was in 1977, 1980 and 1983 respectively. Special editions and extra features don't interest me at all.