Speaker Cables...


Giggity Geschmougen
Oct 31, 2007
Hey guys!

i was wondering...what do you think is TOO long for a speker cable? I'm using 10m speaker cables in my studio to get from the wallbox to the speakers. I never tryed it with a shorter cable.

Do you think that i have any loss in the signal? Im using a good cordial cable with neutrik connectors!
I once ran a 5150 from the top floor of a house to the basement with a 100ft speaker cable and it sounded no different than a 3ft cable.
I had a thread asking this a while back. Since there is so much power through a speaker cable, degradation (forgive me for electronic ignorance) is not really a factor. It's a completely different situation with an unbalanced instrument cable though. I just ordered 30 feet of speaker cable so I can reamp without getting blasted in the face.
I just ordered 30 feet of speaker cable so I can reamp without getting blasted in the face.

Yeah... i'm going to do the same at home... a 50ft cable and connect it to the cabinet on the other side of the house!:rock:
For quote Colin (Vile_ator) from a couple of years ago about speaker cable:

You can run long microphone cords because they are balanced and you can run long speaker cords because they are high current. But you cannot run long instrument cords because they are unbalanced and very low current.

So for this reason, you have the amp head near the guitar and run a long speaker cord to the cabinet. Just make sure you get a nice thick speaker cord. At least 18 guage in size. The lower the number the thicker the cable. Ususally it says on the cable. It will say 18 AWG SPEAKER Or a thicker cable would be 16 AWG. I would use 18 AWG for lengths under 20 feet and 14 or 16 for lengths longer. And I use a 6 foot or less guitar instrument cord. Remember instrument cords are thin, speaker cords are thick. You can not interchange them.