speaking of cheese...

Dhatura said:
I wonder if the definition implies that noncircumcised = unhygienic. :D
I don't think so, at least if the male washes regularly (i.e. pulls foreskin back, washes cock with soap and then lets water flush any premature cock cheese away). I heard ppl argue that circumcision decreases chances of getting sexually transmitted diseases, but I think their line of reasoning is much too simplistic.
Dhatura said:
I've never seen a realtime circumscribed penis. :(

there you go


by Joyce Wright, M. D.

Nature's Assurance That the Uncircumcised Glans Penis
Will Function Smoothly is Provided by Smegma


Smegma is secreted by glands beneath
the foreskin of the uncircumcised penis.
siderea said:
did you guys see that körper exhibition with dead things without skins?
i didnt but i wonder if it was any good
some mates of me went there and said it was very impressive, but i somehow wasn't that much interested and had no time either to go there.
Alwin said:
I don't think so, at least if the male washes regularly (i.e. pulls foreskin back, washes cock with soap and then lets water flush any premature cock cheese away). I heard ppl argue that circumcision decreases chances of getting sexually transmitted diseases, but I think their line of reasoning is much too simplistic.
All this talk of cock cheese, i'm hungry now :D
Dunno, it was in Tottenham Court Road's tube station, I dunno where did those guy come from ... They seemed like punk/holligans anyway lol