speaking of MTV...


wizard in black
Dec 17, 2001
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has anyone see that show 'Becoming'? OH MY FUCKING GOD! these people need to get a fucking life. "yay we get to pretend we're blink182!" SMACK! i mean these are like 18 year old guys acting like 13 year old n'sync fans fucking creaming in their pants because they get to pretend they're some band. who gives a fuck? i mean seriously its rediculous and lame.
yes, i know what you are talking about and it indeed does suck.

it wasn't bad enough that they PLAYED these bands' videos NOR the fact that they have people wanting to become those bands, but people ACTUALLY WATCH THIS BULLSHIT! it sickens me!

MTV is only redeemed by the fact that they once sported a show entitled "Beavis and Butthead". And they even cancelled THAT. . .

wait. . . did i just say that MTV were redeemed????


my bad, they're not. nope, sorry!
"Whoah. . . It's almost like. . . like a music video!"

"The sun sucks!"

"All these shows are about water!"

"Huh huh huh. . . you said 'anus'. . ."

"Dammit, are you them boys that have been whackin' off in my toolshed?!?"

HAHAHA. . . I could go on forever. . . :lol:

BTW, neal, I'm shocked that there is actually another metal fan here that listens to kmfdm! "Money" and "Power" own all! Rock on!!! ;)
power? why, do you mean the industrial soundtrack to the holy war? heh. but i like symbols and adios better than xtort i think. have you heard the new one attak?
haha. i actually prefer kmfdm when i smoke bud. my favorite driving-fast-in-my-car-with-shades-on cd is probably pennywise-full circle.