Special Delivery from Europe: my black Xmas tree

They won't ship me any or even give me a price. They want me to go to THEM. :(

Edit: Wait, email list of dealers... Yay!
thats the design johan hegg from amon amarth has on his necklace

Assuming what you meant was just to point out Johan has a certain Mjolnir design on his neck: then you're right.
This kind of Mjolnir, with the head: is the oldest form of Mjolnir ever discovered.
Later the design "dropped" the head.
Johan has many mjolnirs he wears, but one of them: is this one.
Because there are no black Xmas trees in America.
trust me I have looked EVERYWHERE.
In fact: some people in big department stores even game me wierd looks
for asking hahahaand if its not on Google.......

I believe America is too "precious" for black Xmas trees :loco: :heh: :Smug:

They believe a black tree is associated with Satan. I asked at work what they thought of black trees. So, yeah, thats why you can't find them. :p
Well blame the ignorant christians I asked, not me. I personally like pagan (and black) stuff. I just prefer not to wear black. I like blue jeans and plaid :D
^ well, people are simply stupid and simple minded for thinking Black means "satan".
Black also means power, royalty, and elegance.

If people are christians: then black in icongraphy in early renaissance probably symbolize death, but it also symbolizes mystery.
Above all: In early christian art black stood for faith by associating with the color of the robes the monks wore.
by wearing black: they announced they give away the "old life" of pleasure and habits they formaly kept, and adopting to a new life dedicated to god.
So really: the people who say "satan" about black, are mainly ignorant and idiots ;)

Thanks though, David. :)

and Russel: haha red tree ;)