Special Songs for Certain Occasions

The Metal Chick

In the Dragon's Den
Mar 31, 2003
Chicago, IL
Have you ever been doing something and a certain song comes on and the song just seems to fit the situation so perfect? Or do you have to listen to a certain song at a certain time just because it's a perfect match? if you don't know what I mean, here's my example:

Everyday while walking from the train station to the bus stop I absolutely must listen to Sonata Arctica "Dream Thieves" because it is just the perfect walking song. I know that sounds wierd but whatever.

Then there are quite a few songs that are perfect for driving: Enchant "Seeds of Hate", Hollenthon "Y Draig Goch", and I used to religiously listen to V on the way home from band practice each week. Symphony X is perfect for driving late at night because singing with Russell keeps me awake ;)

Oh yeah, I like to listen to Pagan's Mind "Dreamscape Lucidity" while walking to class in the morning.

Now remember, all of the above is IMO. Now it's your turn :)
I keep Cinderella's "Long Cold Winter" in my glove compartment. When I have a real bad 8 hours at work , this CD goes in at a high volume for the drive home. "Falling Apart at the Seams" and "Gypsy Road" take me home and my stress is gone by the time I hit the door because I scream right along with Tom. :Spin: Kinda like primal scream therapy! (works for me :) )
Children Of Bodom is fun while driving because of the relentless neo-classical energy. Kamelot is a good driving band, too.

Old Opeth is perfect for a gloomy rainy sucky day.

Spock's Beard's album Snow is my current feel-good album. Gotta love them choruses.
Too many songs, too many memories, too many occasions. Instead of listing, I'll offer a piece of text from a book that is more fitting:

" We move houses. We lose books. We replace our clothes when fashion shames us into it. Girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands and wives, are somehow not the fixtures that they used to be. Times change and people move on. But here's the weird thing. If there's one core value, just one constant in the flux of our lives, it's often our prized collection of albums. Burglars and borrowers and burst pipes all conspire against us sometimes, but, if we can, we keep those precious albums intact. Hopefully the hoard will grow a little all the time, like children do. Stacked together, on a shelf, the records become a lone symbol of continuity in our dislocated existences. They are, in some strange sense, who we are. As current marketing speak might put it: Albums R Us."
Pharoah said:
I keep Cinderella's "Long Cold Winter" in my glove compartment. When I have a real bad 8 hours at work , this CD goes in at a high volume for the drive home. "Falling Apart at the Seams" and "Gypsy Road" take me home and my stress is gone by the time I hit the door because I scream right along with Tom. :Spin: Kinda like primal scream therapy! (works for me :) )
Thats one of my all time fav. cd's.. I love the blues/rock sound of that one.
I love to listen to the "live on the edge of forever" cd's when I exercize..
Man, talk about a work out. Try to stay on the treadmill the whole time fast walking.. its a killer.. :loco: (but alot of fun)