Spiderman 3.


Grey Eminence
Sep 30, 2005
Edinburgh, U.K.
Well, I am pretty interested in how you call see Spiderman 3 as working out. I thought a new thread would remove any LRD influence and maybe allow for some proper comments.

I'm fairly excited. I like Raimi, I also think this movie could have an interesting dynamic. I'm not convinced it'll be excellent, but I think it could have some interesting depth that the other two completely lacked. (I see the dichotomy Spiderman explores as intrinsically flaccid).
I liked spider man 1 but never got around to seeing 2 so i probably won't see 3. superhero movies aren't that exciting to me and i really haven't seen or heard much about this new one in a long time that would make me want to see it.
Venom looks awesome.


Character development wise, I think we'll just have to wait and see....
venom is metal!

they need to bring carnage around too but he's too crazy for the pg-13 crowd

Yep, since the introduction of the 12A (under 12s can attend the screening with someone over 18) nearly EVERY movie is aimed at that target group now. It basically allows for a little violence (Casino Royale was a 12A) but puts the onus on parents to make sure their kids only watch what is suitable.

It was invented to make money and it pisses me off.
i think that whether or not this movie is gonna be cool is really going to come down to whether or not the special effects kick-ass

harry is taking over being the green goblin
venom is in it
and the 3rd villian is the sandman

aside from special effects being lame, how the fucking hell could you fuck up this script?