O/T: Spiderman and MIBII


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
I see they're releasing these two movies as a two-for-one deal in theatres this weekend. I'll probably go see them together cause it seems like a good deal, but I'll bet it's a ploy to bump up Spiderman revenues even more to try and get it to #3 or 4 on the all-time list (It's #5 right now...it could conceiveably even catch Star Wars for #2 if this marketing scheme pays off, but it will never catch Titanic.)

I'm surprised Lucas never tried this trick to get Episode I and II revenues up higher.

I still think that the all-time movie lists should be calculated based on number of tickets sold instead of revenues. I mean, ticket prices have been going up every year, so it's not really fair to compare Spiderman at $12 a ticket vs. Star Wars at $3. Gone With the Wind would still be the all-time #1 movie based on that system.
Seen Spiderman , was a bit disapointed, they tried to cram the whole life of Peter in just 90 minutes, I bet it's nice for someone who never read a Spidercomic in his life, I wonder what part 2 will be like , hope more action !!!!!!!!!!less lovestory
I saw Spider-Man 4 times. I even saw it alone once. I fuckin LOVED it!
I've been a fan of Spider-Man for as long as I can remember, though I don't have a lot of Spider-Man comics.
I haven't heard anything about the two-for-one deal here, but if it happens, I'm all over it.
I loved Spiderman, thought they did a great job of sticking to the original story save one major scene. As for trying to cram Peters whole life into 90mins........first off it wasnt his whole life........secondly there are more movies to follow about Peter teen years....I thought they left the movie at the right spot....perfect comic book ending, at least til the next issue *movie* :grin:
I too loved Spiderman, I've been a fan for years, but was it really better than Star Wars Ep. II....my answer is no, because Spiderman was not truly original. Everything was already there, all they had to do was take what existed and put it to film. Don't get me wrong, excellent cinematography, great direction, good acting, but it wasn't truly a "creation."

BTW - they fucked up a lot of the sequence of the spiderman saga too, but I'm not gonna be nitpicky...

PS: I am gonna go see this double feature: it is a great idea by sony.
Originally posted by TD
I too loved Spiderman, I've been a fan for years, but was it really better than Star Wars Ep. II....my answer is no, because Spiderman was not truly original.
Ty, I have to hand it to you for being such a die-hard Star Wars fan. I was a huge fan even through Episode I, but I can't find enough in Episode II to bring myself to like it. The only reason I will see Episode III is based on past glory. But I guess it's good that somebody likes Clones.

PS - TD, I'm surprised you're not using this as your avatar:

I've seen it 3 times, I'd like to see it again while it is doing its run at the dollar flix. I saw it when it initially came out. Then I saw it in an 120 year old theatre (sound system sucked, but it was cool non-the-less) and I've seen it at the budget theater. Great fucking movie.
Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
Dude, I loved Ep 2. My buddy and I are going tomorrow to the dollar flicks to see it. It will be my 4th time. I saw Ep 1 six times. I think 2 is way better than 1.
This may sound like a silly question, but if Episode 2 was way better, why did you see Episode 1 more times?

Anyway, it's all a matter of opinion, and I didn't mean to sound like I was putting you down for liking Episode 2, it's just that I was very disappointed by it. Like I said before, if episode 1 and 2 had really come first, the series never would have made it to 4, 5, and 6, because episodes 1 and 2 hasn't made many new fans.

Anyway, saw the Spiderman/MiBII double feature last night...certainly worth my $11 Canadian. I hadn't seen MiBII yet. It was okay, nothing special, but for the price, combined with a really good movie, I went home satisfied.
They're doing Spiderman/MIB2 here, or at least they're advertising on TV about it. I haven't bothered checking theaters or anything because I wouldn't be going anyway.

And I finally found someone more out of it than me!!! My mother-in-law went to see Ep. 2 last weekend, and she came home surprised that "they made any movies without Luke." She never saw Ep. 1 because she didn't know it was a totally new movie, she thought they were re-releasing Star Wars (again). She's taking our Ep. 1 the next time she comes over. I felt much better about myself after that conversation.
I have no idea.

She then tried to tell my husband that she never saw Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi, even though she bought two different box sets for him, watched them with him, and before that, took him and his sister to the theater to see them. In that instance, she could be like me, because I find that all three movies run together for me, I have a hard time remembering what exactly happened in each movie, but I know I've seen them all 100 times. But I've never said that I never saw two out of the three, either.