I see they're releasing these two movies as a two-for-one deal in theatres this weekend. I'll probably go see them together cause it seems like a good deal, but I'll bet it's a ploy to bump up Spiderman revenues even more to try and get it to #3 or 4 on the all-time list (It's #5 right now...it could conceiveably even catch Star Wars for #2 if this marketing scheme pays off, but it will never catch Titanic.)
I'm surprised Lucas never tried this trick to get Episode I and II revenues up higher.
I still think that the all-time movie lists should be calculated based on number of tickets sold instead of revenues. I mean, ticket prices have been going up every year, so it's not really fair to compare Spiderman at $12 a ticket vs. Star Wars at $3. Gone With the Wind would still be the all-time #1 movie based on that system.
I'm surprised Lucas never tried this trick to get Episode I and II revenues up higher.

I still think that the all-time movie lists should be calculated based on number of tickets sold instead of revenues. I mean, ticket prices have been going up every year, so it's not really fair to compare Spiderman at $12 a ticket vs. Star Wars at $3. Gone With the Wind would still be the all-time #1 movie based on that system.