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I kept my expectations low, expecting the movie to leave me disappointed. Boy was I wrong - this movie was great, not just as a really good comic book adaptation (i.e. X-Men) but this stands alone as a GREAT film. It satisfied both the life long comic book reader in me, and the film buff. How 'bout that trailer for The Hulk!?!?! I have no doubt that it and Daredevil will rule seeing the treatment Spidey and X got. It's about time.
Spider-Man Fucking RULED!!!
I give it a 10 out of 10.

I think I'll go see it again tonight.
I wonder if Episode II will be able to top it...
MIB II looks fucking sweet! I was just watching "The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air" or whatever it's called yeserday. I had that one album DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, with "Parents Just Don't Understand" on it.
Will Smith is cool.

I'm gonna go check showtimes for Spider-Man now...
Spiderman was an exellent movie no doubt. The only thing that bugged me was the Gobblin's look(way too robotic) Other then that it was perfect. Glad to see they followed the orignal storyline so closely.
I'm going to loose my freakin mind having to wait a year for The Hulk.
Originally posted by SLAYER85
wow, my friend said spiderman blew ass, he must have been being a douche.

For Real!:confused: This movie is fabulous. I live in a relatively small burb, and went to a rural high school. At any rate, everyone here knows I'm a big Spidey dork, well during the movie, which was sold out, the place was euphoric like it was a concert or something. The next night, I went to a few bars, hopping around to Cinco De Maya parties, and people that know me were coming up like "Dude, Spiderman rules!" These were people from all walks of life; black, white, hot chicks, metal dudes etc. An ex told me "the upside down kiss, should be kiss of the year." My point: everyone likes this movie. The mothers who begrudgingly brought their kids dug it, the kids dug it, the dads dug it.............
Pretty good movie. It wasn't a classic movie by any means, but better than most blockbusters in that it lived up to the hype, and one of the better superhero adaptations (MUCH better than any of the Batman movies).

Kirsten Dunce wasn't even that annoying, although the line where she said that a soap opera told her to take acting lessons was hilarious (and very true). :lol:

However, I have no doubt that Episode II will top this with ease.
I saw Spider-Man again last night. I'm a freak.

You can tell that Evil Dead producer Sam Raimi made the movie during, one of the best scenes, the part right after the wrestling scene.
When he goes after the guy who stole the money from the wrestling manager (and then does something I don't want to spoil...). The screenplay, the way it is filmed, is totally like Evil Dead. It kicks so much ass!
Spider Man was indeed an excellent movie. I shall be seeing it again and again and again...at least until Star Wars comes out. haw!
I sat through it twice. Once with a six pack the second time with my the family. Both times I enjoyed it equally. Luckily I run the projection both at a theatre so I can go in at 2 in the morning and watch whatever I want (I know youre all jealous). With the crowds and crying kids thast is about the only way I can stand to watch a movie these days.