spitz the tattoo remover

Watch making, math doing, tattoo removing, is there nothing that man can't do?

Well...reach the top shelf.
Wait a second, at the top of the internet explorer(forget what that thing is called) did it tell me that Spitz was the founder of Anthrax???

Also Spitz can't ride rollercoasters.
Dan is 4'11". Trust me. I've met him. He is small as hell. Look at pics of him with Thrax. Charlie and Scott tower over him and they're like 5'8''/5'9". Look at the pics in P.O.T. There's a reason why they used that round lens.
he keeps making comments on how songs that he claims are his were on PLATINUM or #1 albums or whatever. Likie he said his song was on a #1 game. A song that the kids have never heard. and I bet those kids say "who is that woman singing?"
what a loser.
Originally posted by Jono
he keeps making comments on how songs that he claims are his were on PLATINUM or #1 albums or whatever. Likie he said his song was on a #1 game. A song that the kids have never heard. and I bet those kids say "who is that woman singing?"
what a loser.

Isn't the song "Bring the Noise"? If so, I doubt they say that.
Originally posted by AlexStomp
Dan is 4'11". Trust me. I've met him. He is small as hell. Look at pics of him with Thrax. Charlie and Scott tower over him and they're like 5'8''/5'9". Look at the pics in P.O.T. There's a reason why they used that round lens.

I towered over him the time I met him. I'd say 5 foot even the more I think about it. I just remember he was short and grumpy.
no it's madhouse. all I know is that when I was younger and my brother played 80's metal bands (I was born in 81) I always t6hought that they were women singing. ESPECIALLY in Dream Theater. No Offense I actually love alot of bands from the eighties especiallt DT.
Originally posted by Jono
no it's madhouse. all I know is that when I was younger and my brother played 80's metal bands (I was born in 81) I always t6hought that they were women singing. ESPECIALLY in Dream Theater. No Offense I actually love alot of bands from the eighties especiallt DT.

Dream Theatre has alot of musicianship going there but I can totally see why you'd think it was a girl. All high pitched and faggoty. No wonder why Anthrax got rid of Joey.