spitz the tattoo remover

Screw him. Ya know, at this point he only plays on one Anthrax album that I actually listen too. My Island years albums are just there because I'm a completist, I list to Armored Saint now more than 80's Anthrax. To me Dan Spitz is just another axeman in a long list of Anthrax guitarists since Bush joined. Spitz, Tempesta, Crook, Sabo, Dime, Charlie, Ian, Caggiano. Did I miss a guitarists in there. I can't remember who played lead when Anthrax played Foundations Forum in 1997. It wasn't Crook.
Originally posted by Jono
yeah I don't understand how anyone can think he's better than John. I can sing JUST LIKE Joey. It's easy.

Whenever people say that Joey was better, I just assume that it was the music because his singing was so gay. I loved Anthrax so much and when they got rid of Joey, I felt alienated. But, after much skeptisism, I heard Bush, I just knew why. It all just came together and it didn't take long for me to just click with this new BAND and say that they are my ALL TIME FAVORITE. nuff said
Originally posted by AlexStomp
Tempesta played with them at that show in SF. I remember because I was gonna fly from DC.

The show was at the Whiskey, which is LA I believe.

From Metal Edge (September 1997):

Taking time out from pre-production work, Anthrax headlined a packed Whiskey on Friday night, and rocked the house with a great set that kicked off with a very short, punky tune called "604" (after the weight of a woman who was featured in the National Enquirer), and two more new, slamming songs called "Giving the Horns" and "Catharsis." Mike Tempesta (Human Waste Project; brother of John Tempesta) played lead guitar for most of the set which included "Got the Time," "Caught in a Mosh," "Room For One More," "Only," "Posse," and "Bring the Noise."

My old timeline came in handy.