Spoilers : Who saw Inception?

Did Dom escape from the dreamworld?

  • Yes , the top was about to fall over

    Votes: 29 69.0%
  • No , it was still spinning

    Votes: 13 31.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 10, 2009
Loved this movie so much. What did you make of the ending? I figured they left it open to the viewer but with the top spinning , was he still in the dream? It looked like it was about to topple over to me... amazing movie regardless. Discuss !
i think the top still spinning / almost toppling over but not quite was just the director / writer's last smile at the audience

i dont think it played much significance in the storyline nor is it made to make you think too much
just a neat little gesture from the creators
Saw it last night on IMAX screen, was just epic. I think Joey is right shouldn't read too much into it.
If the top didn't stop spinning (AKA the part at the end was a dream), then everything that happened in the movie was in a dream at some point and we never saw 'reality.'

I believe that we saw 'reality' in the movie, so I'm convinced the piece toppled.
If the top didn't stop spinning (AKA the part at the end was a dream), then everything that happened in the movie was in a dream at some point and we never saw 'reality.'

I believe that we saw 'reality' in the movie, so I'm convinced the piece toppled.
This is my perception
mr. nobody, another movie along the same existentialist themes but a little more complex, should check it out.
if you haven't seen this movie you should. It's VERY complex. It's like watching all 6 seasons of Lost in 3 hours

Also I had to say , did anyone else think this was like a mix of the Matrix and Shutter Island?
Apparently some theories out there are that the wedding ring is VERY significant. In all the dream sequences, the ring is still on because she's still there. But in the "reality" sequences it's off. I do believe he was not wearing a ring at the end,

Good fucking movie though.
if you haven't seen this movie you should. It's VERY complex. It's like watching all 6 seasons of Lost in 3 hours

Also I had to say , did anyone else think this was like a mix of the Matrix and Shutter Island?

if u didn't know nolan's inspiration was matrix and dark city when he started the drafts on inception 10 yrs ago and to some extent drew a little from eXistenZ.
My take on the ending is that reality is subjective, or at least not the same for everyone. Cobb was convinced that that was reality and it doesn't really matter if that is true or not. He's happy and reunited with his kids, and free from the memories and emotions that's been haunting him fo a long time.
I think it was quite powerful to watch, and I must admit that I felt something pressing in the corner of my eyes.
So I chose not to vote in the poll, becaue it doesn't matter to me if the ending took place in a dream or notm thoughIi'm leaning towards reality.
I didn't vote in the poll either.

I think the top was about to fall over, but if it did, that doesn't necessarily mean that the "reality" world wasn't actually a dream. I understand the significance of the top and everything that was said about it, but it could easily be just another dream layer, which Leo's character thinks is reality but isn't. The top would then of course be part of the dream, and it could be meant to help keep him from realizing he's even in a dream...it could even be a tool specifically designed by someone else to convince him that his "reality" is not a dream, when actually it is. And as Jeff mentioned, this would also mean that reality was never actually depicted in the movie.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Christopher Nolan doesn't even have an entirely established idea about whether or not reality is depicted in the movie, but undoubtedly, whatever scenario he thinks in his mind is simply whatever brings him the most satisfaction. I agree with what Joey said on this- the ending is there to make you smile, to make you think...but I don't think it's meant to be taken as a definite sign that the last scene is not reality, it's just meant to leave you thinking of the possibilities.

I absolutely loved Inception...which is a pretty rare thing for me to say about a movie. If movies of that creative caliber were more commonplace, I might care about movies as much as I do about music! And speaking of music, I bought the score of Inception the day after I saw it... Some of Hans Zimmer's best work yet, in my opinion. I've been listening to the last piece from the film, "Time", before falling asleep the last few nights, and it has given me massive chills every time. It never ceases to amaze me how many different things can be done with 12 notes, or how a really simple melody/chord progression can be intensely emotional.
I really, REALLY enjoyed watching this. It kept me on the edge of my seat for 100% of the way through the movie, and it is for sure one of the greatest films of our generation, a definite instant-classic. Onto the ending.. I agree with everybody elses' notion that the ending was put in place to leave the viewer(s) thinking about the possibilities, whether it WAS a dream.. Or not.

That being said, it didn't look like it was about to topple over to me, I mean, the totem kept spinning long after he set it down and went to hug/greet his kids. Anybody else notice, near the beginning of the movie.. Where he's talking to the old guy, about to hire a new architect; that the old man told him to "Wake up"? And that the memories/depictions of his wife that he was creating, kept telling him to wake up and face reality as well? It really does leave you thinking what really happened.

I absolutely adored this movie. It's one of the rare cases of a movie coming out, that actually keeps me captivated, and leaves me thinking at the end. And to think, I thought the creativeness of screenplay writing was going down the shitter; what with all of these absolute shit movies being released recently :lol:
You know what is pretty wild, if the ending really was still a dream and the whole "reality" section of the movie was actually just the top dream layer, then when his wife killed herself, she was actually right and is now alive in the real world...
if u didn't know nolan's inspiration was matrix and dark city when he started the drafts on inception 10 yrs ago and to some extent drew a little from eXistenZ.

I didn't know that , did Dark City come out 10 years ago? I've been meaning to see that movie for a while
You know what is pretty wild, if the ending really was still a dream and the whole "reality" section of the movie was actually just the top dream layer, then when his wife killed herself, she was actually right and is now alive in the real world...

Definitely. I agree with everyone else here about how all of it is just made to make you think and there is no "right" answer. But it is fun to hear people's theories , I like this one by Adam ! Hadn't thought of that one yet. I really might go see this again , and I never see a movie more than once in theaters.