Off Topic - Matrix Revolutions *spoilers*

Did you like The Matrix:Reloaded?

  • Yes, It was awesome and it lived up to my Expectations

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Yes, though it wasn't as good asa I had hoped

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • No, it wasn't that good

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • No, it was the worst movie ever!!

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
I have 1 question that I have asked a bunch of times an nobody has answered yet.

In the Matrix, why do the machines need to keep the humans alive? And why do they need to give them a virtual existence?

Can someone please explain this to me, I've only seen the movie once and I thought it was just stupid because there didn't seem to be a reason for the questions I've posed above. Please explain!


P.S. Keanu Reeves is a horrible actor. That's all I'm going to say about him.
The machines need to keep the humans alive so that they can harvest the humans' body heat for energy. Also, they need to create a virtual existance so that the person keeps living and creating that body heat and so that the humans don't rebel.

edit: Oh yeah, the machines can't use solar energy, because humans blackened the skies with nuclear bombs to stop the machines from working. However, that did not work, as evidenced by the machines using humans for energy.
I entered the movie theater with high expectations but left feeling disappointed and empty. Yes, it was pretty and the special effects were jaw-dropping at the least but still somehow the whole movie seemed (again) much more a showcase of know-how than a witty and ground-breaking sci-fi flic. For the fight at Zion docks (probably the best war scene I've seen so far) and the city of the machines (especially the monstrous guardian juggernauts) I'd give the movie two fingers out of five. Add to that a half-finger for Trinity and Neos dip into the sky above the clouds (Yeah, I'm a sucker for metaphorical scenes) and we arrive at two and a half fingers out of five for the whole movie. The rest was just popcorn by-product in my opininon.

Now go take the blue pill. :grin:
Rocked, except dragged out love scenes in a couple of places, and the bullshit ending (i thought this version of the matrix was supposed to be different to the others somehow, and humans actually win something, not just starting all over again). 3/5.
I didn't even see Reloaded until the day I went to see Revolutions. I got pretty into Reload and the ending got me excited for the third chapter in which I was omw to see. But when the movie ended I was VERY dissapointed in how it all ended. I wasn't angry that the main char died (actually Keanu Reeves dying was cool), it was because it really didn't end. I don't understand why the machines don't just attack Zion right after Neo killed Agent Smith. And the humans felt they were at peace while in reality they were still overpowered by the machines, the machines still existed, I was looking for the series to end on the humans getting rid of the machines and starting the world anew. Also, in Reloaded the Architect said that the machines always eliminate the humans in Zion and wake up 20 or so humans from the Matrix so they can rebuild Zion again and start the process again and again. The only difference this time around was that Zion wasn't annihilated for more humans to be woken up and start the process again. So pretty much they are still in the same position they were before. And it also makes no sense why the machines keep annihilating the humans if they need them. And lastly, I still don't know how the hell Neo killed all the agent Smith's if he was turned into one, that whole part was strange and the fight before they all blew up was just like action from Dragon Ball Z.
I voted for good but not what i was expecting. Really the only complaints I have are that there weren't enough non-weapon fights, and the ending really didn't explain anything. I didn't think the movie was over, I was still waiting for everything to fall into place, but it just never did. The scene at the end with the Architect was.... awkward, and really didnt help explain anything either. Eh, I might see it again just to see if I can pick up on a few other things. Oh yeah, I got in the movie free! Its good to have a friend who's sister is a manager of a movie theater
Ok - Matrix - is ~ 2 hours, 10 mins.
to Summarize, best 2 hour movie I've ever seen.
Too bad there's 10 more minutes.

The last 10 minutes made me want 30 dollars back [for the First, Second, AND Third movies] AS WELL AS a hand-written apology from the director.

I'd pay ANOTHER 9 dollars not to see the whole movie, but a better last 10 minutes. Jesus, The Neo/Smith scene, I was thinking - I dont see how ppl could find a BS ending out of this!! Then... did you make this? Yes - Neo would have liked it.

**just a thought** After the transformation - are they back in the real world?? If so - the Oracle contradicted the rules of the Matrix. If you recall her going Smith, she actually fought Neo , and you saw her on the ground dead after Neo killed the Smith System, and In the first movie if you recall - If you die in the matrix , do you die in real life? -Neo
The Body cannot live without the mind ... You think that's air your breathing?? - Morpheus

Am I right here, or do I have TOO much time on my hands?
urinalcakemix, there are just too many misconceptions that are the bases for your questions. I dont have the energy to explain them. See revolutions a few more times. They are complicated movies, without a doubt.
i think it really could have been good, but the acting was so horrible (everyone save trinity... she really can act fairly well... at least in comparison with the rest) that it constantly pulls you out of the world of the movie and makes you realize you are just watching a movie. I was unsatisfyed.
I didn't like Revolutions for several reasons (might be a couple spoilers)

1. The action sucked. Out of the three major action scenes (the bondage club place, Zion, and Smith/Neo fight), the only halfway decent one was the battle at Zion.

2. Keanu Reeves delivers his worst acting since Point Blank.

3. Neither Revolutions nor Reloaded was nearly as groundbreaking or amazing as the first movie. Just your average cliched action movie here.

4. Too much bullshit philosophy. It's just not interesting anymore. People who are big fans of the trilogy say people like me don't get it. Ohhh, I get it. I just don't like what I get.

5. Agent Smith's laugh.

6. The ending. Just didn't do it for me. I guess it's because I didn't like the idea of Agent Smith getting all powerful and trying to take over everything to begin with. He was cool in the first movie. Oh well, at least Neo dies.
Serge... said:
4. Too much bullshit philosophy. It's just not interesting anymore. People who are big fans of the trilogy say people like me don't get it. Ohhh, I get it. I just don't like what I get.
LOL, dude, while you may have gotten alot of the insinuation and metaphor and inference, u do not get all of it. neither do I, but I used to work for the agent to the Wachowski's, and ive been talking with him about the trilogy as a whole. Though I couldn't fully understand it, some of the shit he was throwin at me was insanely deep and def broadened all of the characters relationships and evolutions beyond anything I could comprehend. He's gonna give me a reading list and maybe in the future, when im wiser and know more about life, i'll be able to appriciate these movies on all of the levels that the writer's laid out there. If only I was more well read.
btw, purely as movies and not pieces of art meant to be analyzed to death, there were flaws in dialogue and acting, no question.
joeshabadoo said:
LOL, dude, while you may have gotten alot of the insinuation and metaphor and inference, u do not get all of it. neither do I, but I used to work for the agent to the Wachowski's, and ive been talking with him about the trilogy as a whole. Though I couldn't fully understand it, some of the shit he was throwin at me was insanely deep and def broadened all of the characters relationships and evolutions beyond anything I could comprehend. He's gonna give me a reading list and maybe in the future, when im wiser and know more about life, i'll be able to appriciate these movies on all of the levels that the writer's laid out there. If only I was more well read.
btw, purely as movies and not pieces of art meant to be analyzed to death, there were flaws in dialogue and acting, no question.

Nope. :tickled: