Spoilers : Who saw Inception?

Did Dom escape from the dreamworld?

  • Yes , the top was about to fall over

    Votes: 29 69.0%
  • No , it was still spinning

    Votes: 13 31.0%

  • Total voters
I didn't vote in the poll either.

I think the top was about to fall over, but if it did, that doesn't necessarily mean that the "reality" world wasn't actually a dream. I understand the significance of the top and everything that was said about it, but it could easily be just another dream layer, which Leo's character thinks is reality but isn't. The top would then of course be part of the dream, and it could be meant to help keep him from realizing he's even in a dream...it could even be a tool specifically designed by someone else to convince him that his "reality" is not a dream, when actually it is. And as Jeff mentioned, this would also mean that reality was never actually depicted in the movie.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Christopher Nolan doesn't even have an entirely established idea about whether or not reality is depicted in the movie, but undoubtedly, whatever scenario he thinks in his mind is simply whatever brings him the most satisfaction. I agree with what Joey said on this- the ending is there to make you smile, to make you think...but I don't think it's meant to be taken as a definite sign that the last scene is not reality, it's just meant to leave you thinking of the possibilities.

I absolutely loved Inception...which is a pretty rare thing for me to say about a movie. If movies of that creative caliber were more commonplace, I might care about movies as much as I do about music! And speaking of music, I bought the score of Inception the day after I saw it... Some of Hans Zimmer's best work yet, in my opinion. I've been listening to the last piece from the film, "Time", before falling asleep the last few nights, and it has given me massive chills every time. It never ceases to amaze me how many different things can be done with 12 notes, or how a really simple melody/chord progression can be intensely emotional.

Didn't know Zimmer did this ! I really liked the last song when he comes home to America , like you said simple but really effective.
Awesome awesome movie. I'm a huge Nolan fan, and as a film maker myself it was top notch. Biggest thing I faced in the movie? Ellen Page looks EXACTLY like the girl I've fallen for. I mean...spot on. Totally distracted the entire movie!

EDIT: This is us to at the last film we worked on -
just got back from seeing it. good film, but WAY overrated IMO.

I liked it, but a bit too "explained" for me, and definitely aimed at being "the blockbuster". still probably better than most other things I will see this year, but I didn't have the same reaction I had when I left the cinema after the dark night (also prefered the prestige and batman begins to this).

not a lot I can fault, good story/idea, great acting, great soundtrack just not a classic for me.


and I see the ending the way most of you guys have seen it (as reality) but I like the fact it could be either (as im sure nolan wanted it to be).
I didnt expect this movie to be that good but once i saw all I can say is that it was fucking cool!
Loved the whole concept about having different layers of dreams, it just full of action and made u actually think!

9/10 for me.
At first I felt the movie was trying too hard to be different. But came to enjoy it more as it progressed. I love Nolans films and after letting this movie sink in, I will definitley be watching it again.

I dont think there is any right or wrong answer for what was truly 'real' in this movie. Even in what was supposed to be reality, there were many things that could make you think it was just another dream. For example the chase sequence where he gets caught between the two walls, and then just as he frees himself he is whisked away to safety. This was very unrealistic but was supposed to be the 'reality' of the movie. I think only Nolan himself knows the intricasis of the movie, and I think even he would want to leave some up to the imagination.
Saw the movie today! F'ing great! ... i think that he was still dreaming because the children were dressed the same as in his memory (at least i think they were)...that's my explanation. 10 stars from me :)
just got back from seeing it. good film, but WAY overrated IMO.

I liked it, but a bit too "explained" for me, and definitely aimed at being "the blockbuster". still probably better than most other things I will see this year, but I didn't have the same reaction I had when I left the cinema after the dark night (also prefered the prestige and batman begins to this).

not a lot I can fault, good story/idea, great acting, great soundtrack just not a classic for me.


and I see the ending the way most of you guys have seen it (as reality) but I like the fact it could be either (as im sure nolan wanted it to be).

Agreed. Definitely good and very enjoyable, but not amazing like some of the guys on here have been hyping it up to be...
Definitely. No matter how many times I watch it , I doubt I will come to any definitive answer in terms of the movie's reality

and i think that's the way they wanted it

much as we can never come to any single definitive conclusion regarding our own "reality"
Just saw it the second time , loved it even more. Some interesting thoughts I had the second time:

Maybe Saito is pulling a "Mr. Charles" on Dom the whole time.
How come when Fischer wakes up , he doesn't recognize the team members around him?
If Saito and Fischer were in the same business why does Fischer not recognize Saito?
If Dom and Mal grew old together in the dream world , why does the movie show them on the train tracks as still young?
Why is Dom unaged when he meets the super old Saito at the end in limbo?
Just saw it the second time , loved it even more. Some interesting thoughts I had the second time:

Maybe Saito is pulling a "Mr. Charles" on Dom the whole time.
i dont think Saito was a "Mr Charles" as he got shot and eventually was thrown into limbo.

How come when Fischer wakes up , he doesn't recognize the team members around him?
maybe fischer didnt remember his dream in detail? he could have also just placed the last people he remembers seeing in his dream.

If Saito and Fischer were in the same business why does Fischer not recognize Saito?
i didnt understand this either, if they were competitors you would think they would at least know what each other look like.

If Dom and Mal grew old together in the dream world , why does the movie show them on the train tracks as still young?

the movie did show them old towards the end waiting for the train. it was only a brief glimpse. initially it shows them young, but i believe that was how it was remembered as just the event first, then lastly it was remembered how it was.

Why is Dom unaged when he meets the super old Saito at the end in limbo?

Dom was unaged because Saito was in Limbo before he was. Limbo's time line was extremely different to the dream levels, so Saito grew old in the moment before Dom washed up.

these are just my ideas though.