
Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
Anyone here play any sports currently? Or did you used to play any sports by choice(your parnets make you play t-ball when you were 4 doesn't count).

Me, I played soccer for about 2 years and I did it under my own will. I stopped though 'cause I wanted to watch more TV. This was when I was around 10 or 12 me thinks. I used to wrestle in high school too. That was alot of fun, but really really difficult.
Now, I mountain bike. I would say that not only do I do it occasionally and it's a hobby or past-time or some shit, but I am VERY into it and consider myself a mountain biker.

Bam, so what you people got? Any athletes here? Or just a bunch of lazy net-nerds? :lol:
No, because I will defend him at all costs. ALL FUCKING COSTS.

Plus, I'm awesome at beating the shit out of people at least 2 years younger than me.
i used to play soccer..then i quit cuz i didnt like it and then..i danced for like 6 years..then quit that too..
hey not bad, this stayed on topic for like 8 or 9 posts...i played soccer for like 12 or 13 years. outdoor and indoor. sometimes i miss it and think about playing again (mostly the off-the-wall indoor. that shits super fun) but i smoke too much and im out of shape haha. i did wrestling in 7th grade but wasnt too interested or too good. i got into music (guitar) and drama in high school, and only played soccer and tennis in 9th grade then quit sports.
I played baseball briefly, but other than hitting the ball so hard I was always getting doubles before it got back to me, it sucked, so I quit.
I played soccer for close to 6 years, but popped the top off my fibia and that was the end of that for a while. In college I played indoor soccr and that was cool. Now I coach hockey and play rec league roller hockey.

Sports are fine, I just prefer to participate rather than watch. Nothing like getting your adrenaline up and ... *sigh* Of course, the "no 'blades in the house" rule put a kibosh on the power sprints in the living room. .. ..