Spreading the PQ word!

Mar 10, 2008
Abingdon, UK
I picked up my copy of Classic Rock today to discover that i was letter of the month!!!!
I am as you'd expect over the moon, but not just because i won a T-shirt. In My letter i mentioned a few bands i listen to in an attempt to get people to go and research bands that they may not have heard of. I started out with the obvious 'led Zeppelin' and then dropped a few other names including POWER QUEST. I hope this helps you gain more recognition guys :headbang:

Also PQ are on the Hard Rock Hell 2 Advertisement - albeit a very small logo

see you in December :kickass:
that's true but maybe it'll put someone on to this awesome band. I do have an issue of Classic Rock where they review the reissues of Neverworld and Wings of Forever (even though it's in the best of the rest section) and they got 'very good' ratings which is only two from the top :headbang:
i'll dig it out and post it sometime if you haven't already seen it